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Showing posts from May, 2023

My Secret is Out (Lunar Eclipse Confession)

It’s the last lunar eclipse we will have in Scorpio for 18 years. And this ending made me realize that there is something I really need to share with you - something you need to know. This could go either way, lol… Two nodal cycles ago, in 1986, the south node was also in Scorpio, and I was a little kid.. I fully expect some viewers to leave once they know this about me, and I respect that - Lunar eclipses close doors, bring endings - that’s the nature of the thing.  Scorpio is the sign of secrets - I don’t usually share much personal information here, but it’s time to release this secret because if it were leaked, if it came out any other way than this, it could be really bad. I need to be transparent with you, and control this situation as best as I can, I’m not going to beat around the bush anymore.  In 1986, I was a child clown. Yes, you heard me right. I was rolly polly child clown.  My dear mother sewed my tiny chubby costume, and provided the pillow stuffing. She p...