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My Secret is Out (Lunar Eclipse Confession)

It’s the last lunar eclipse we will have in Scorpio for 18 years. And this ending made me realize that there is something I really need to share with you - something you need to know. This could go either way, lol…

Two nodal cycles ago, in 1986, the south node was also in Scorpio, and I was a little kid.. I fully expect some viewers to leave once they know this about me, and I respect that - Lunar eclipses close doors, bring endings - that’s the nature of the thing. 

Scorpio is the sign of secrets - I don’t usually share much personal information here, but it’s time to release this secret because if it were leaked, if it came out any other way than this, it could be really bad. I need to be transparent with you, and control this situation as best as I can, I’m not going to beat around the bush anymore. 

In 1986, I was a child clown. Yes, you heard me right. I was rolly polly child clown. 

My dear mother sewed my tiny chubby costume, and provided the pillow stuffing. She painted my face, held my hand through the packed mall of people pointing and staring, to have a professional photographer, likely a very concerned individual, take these photographs. 

And if it ended there -when my strange clown phase ended as the south node eclipses left scorpio later in 1986, if these photos were lost to some dusty old photo album, it wouldn’t be so painful. The extended embarrassment was provided by my grandmother, rest her soul, who chose to have these insane photos hanging in plain sight in her house until 2020. 34 years of people looking at this nonsense. 

There, it’s out - I am ashamed no longer, I’m proudly reclaiming my former clown hood. The court jester, after all, was the one who could tell the truth and still live another day, the fool is the one with enough optimism to undertake the journey off a cliff. I was a clown, and part of me always will be - now I've told you, I can be totally free - wow that feels better....i think...

I hope my Scorpio eclipse vulnerability can inspire you to release the fear of judgment, remove the power of anyone’s opinion over you, and to be free to be as different as you choose. 

Let’s talk about this Scorpio lunar eclipse, and get into the good stuff. 

Ok, this is a lunar eclipse, which can only occur at a full moon, this is a scorpio full Moon, which is technically in exile in the ancient astrology essential dignity structure. That just means how planets function in different signs. 

Why is the moon in exile in Scorpio? Because one facet of the Scorpio archetype represents is the end (the doors), the underworld, the process of decay and death, of rebirth, reconfiguration, and ultimate transformation through deep emotional experiences. The emotional potential is so raw, and let’s face it -  uncomfortable. Think about it - to go through transformation, to change from a worm to a butterfly, to take manure and turn it into foxgloves, it's a messy business. 

The conceptual Moon desires to reflect life and light, it represents the mother figure, whose essence is the drive to nurture, to provide - to sew a clown costume because she knows, deep down inside, at the core, clown blood flows through the veins of her child. It’s an act of love. 

Moon is in exaltation in Taurus, where the point of living is to grow, grow, grow to, quote the poet ee cummings,. On the flip side is her exile, Scorpio, that's where growing things go when they are through, to the underside, to be reconfigured at a molecular level, to be freed and to fertilize future gardens. 

Now if this makes you feel uncomfortable, I understand. It is not the ONLY thing Scorpio is about, this seemingly dark side, aka death, but it is important to see the boundaries of a sign in order to understand the nuance.

Here’s the thing about scorpio, it represents a deep truth that can only be truly found through a transformational emotional experience. One thing about scorpio energy that everyone should know, is that it HATES small talk, go deep, or go away - that could be a pure scorpio energy trademark. Wherever you have scorpio in your chart, it is likely a no BS zone in your life. So with this full moon and final scorpio south node eclipse, closing up the past 18 months of eclipse energy, you should be facing yourself in a very real way right now. The illumination, the looking glass, the truth that needs to be released and reclaimed once more as part of your freedom path. 

Yeah, this final eclipse is kinda a big deal. Why? Because the torch of the eclipses is being handed off, and we are leaving the land of mystery, secrets, power, and emotional transformation with a rather pissed off full moon and eclipse. It’s a bit of the scorpio scorned, if you know, you know - better just to get out of the way. What makes me say this about this eclipse? 

This eclipse is not total; it is a penumbral lunar eclipse, where the Moon will  appear slightly dimmer. Half way through the eclipse, the Moon's surface may look darker, and be a brownish color. It will be visible with the naked eye by people in much of Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. 

With this eclipse happening within a mercury retrograde, and very close to the stationing of the modern ruler planetary ruler, pluto, I think this is a deep indicator that something significant is being pointed out here. With Pluto, as usual, we probably won’t know until further down the line, and then the dates become significant. 


If you look at this chart, what do you see? Notice the Moon and the south node solo on the left hemisphere of this chart? It’s the moon and the node against all others, bold, standing firm, not even giving way to a total darkening of her light. A scorpio in its den, an eagle looking straight into the sun, a phoenix saying, you have no power over me. I will rise, and rise again, despite you. This is the energy of not putting up with some of the same old transparent crap we are being fed in our lives, or in our world at large

The moon is at Scorpio 14, 57 = sabian symbol scorpio 15


KEYNOTE: Early steps in the development of a mind seeking to be attuned to the higher level of human evolution.

This is a particularly cryptic symbol. It may be deciphered if one realizes that Man's essential destiny is to develop as a five-fold being, a "Pentagram" or five-pointed star. Number 5 symbolizes mind in its most creative and penetrating aspect, while number 4 refers to the life processes operating at present within the earth's biosphere. Our Western civilization has realized only the lower level of this vibration 5; i.e. mind contaminated by compulsive instincts and emotional involvement. Some individuals, however, are born with a special potential for development of the higher, creative mind, and in social circumstances favoring this development. In most cases, they are still "playing around" with their unusual capacity. They are in the kindergarten stage of this higher mind development.

In this final stage of the forty-fifth sequence of five symbols the transcendent possibilities of mental evolution, which require interpersonal communion in consciousness, are evoked. The free spirit of true scientific inquiry is only a foreshadowing of such a type of mind, which demands dedication to mankind as a whole. What is seen here is FUTURE-ORIENTED GROWTH.

The sun comes in on Taurus 14, 57 = sabian symbol Taurus 15


KEYNOTE: The courage needed to meet the crises precipitated by social ambition.

The man with the silk hat has seen some of his ambitious efforts bring him social success; but he learns that often "nothing fails like success." The storm may be within him, or it may attack his social status. He is ready to face it daringly. This shows a willingness to accept crises and to go through them — and therefore great character, the soil upon which a higher kind of consciousness may develop.

This is the fifth and final stage of this ninth five-fold sequence of symbols. It implies a transition to a new level at which the individual who has learned from experience demonstrates a truly mature mind. What is revealed here is CHARACTER under adverse circumstances.

And the sun is within a few degrees of its annual meet up with Uranus in Taurus - I have this vision of Uranus in Taurus as the character of Jack Sparrow in the First pirates of the caribbean movie - eccentric, unpredictable, a bit rascally, with ulterior motives that may be a bit confusing, but ultimately work out for the best. So I had that flash of Jack Sparrow for the Uranus Cazimi, then looked up the sabian symbol, and well…


KEYNOTE: The surge of new potentiality after the crisis.

The symbol need hardly be commented upon. When the mind has been emptied and light has been called upon to purify the consciousness freed from its attachment and contaminations, a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, the Virgin SPACE. What will it be used for?  

Because this is a fourth stage symbol we find in it a suggestion of how to approach whatever new phase of life has been not only hoped for, but actually confirmed. The "technique" is simply to allow the infinite Potential to operate in unconstrained SPONTANEITY. This means to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor.

Something strange, maybe new leadership is going to start appearing, but it’s an uphill battle to be sure. We, as a group of open minded and open hearted people need to keep tuning into our intuition, shutting out the manipulative noise, and reclaim our own sovereignty, 

There is an uprising happening all over the world, a turning of the screw, an uncovering of the dominant power players and the shadows they lurk in behind our politicians and people in positions of perceived power. Just one glance at the headlines is enough to clearly point to the changes taking place - destabilized banking - the three that have collapsed are equivalent to more loss than the few hundred banks that failed in the 2008 crisis, and the BRICS nations are growing in their alliance and currency. We’ve got the grand dad or whatever of AI quitting Google, saying it’s unethical and lots of people will lose their jobs - it’s all surrounding this eclipse energy and Pluto stationing retrograde. It’s a lot. I know. 

Truthfully, there are some pretty challenging times coming our way, and I am a bit silly I know - the repressed clown blood is thick, but remaining hold of levity is precious, especially in times of trouble. This is the true victory - not losing our love for our fellow humans, our light, our laughter. Everything comes and goes, but one thing remains the same, I like you just the way you are, and since you are still here at the end here, I like you even more. 


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