What if I told you, there is an Undiscovered Secret Story Living Within You, and what if uncovering that story could open the portal to your ultimate fulfillment, understanding, and personal peace? Buckle your seatbelt, we are going on a Journey - a Hero’s journey to be exact - to find that elusive emancipation story living within you. Joseph Campbell was an author and a professor, most widely famous for his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, where he details the structure of the Hero’s Journey. There are three acts and 17 stages in the standard archetypical structure of the hero’s journey. Most of our biggest stories collectively are based around this storytelling narrative - a few examples - famously the Star Wars story of Luke Skywalker, Neo in the Matrix, and Frodo in the Lord of the Rings. In act one we find our hero in a situation where they need to leave their known world - but just before they do, the hero meets the mentor - this ...
Putting Together the Pieces of Reality in the Astromosaic of Life