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A Powerful Mercury September


We have a really powerful Mercury story coming through in September, even with the oft-dreaded Mercury retrograde factor, this is a non-issue for the most part because Mercury is the coolest kid in school at this point, fully powered up in domicile and exaltation in Virgo - take all the kids in the breakfast club for example, merge the best parts of them into one, remove all their self-doubt, and you have an idea of what Mercury is right now. Pretty awesome. So nothing is stopping Mercury from doing Mercury things.

First things first, let’s talk about Mercury Cazimi. It’s just fun to say the word cazimi - try it - cazimi - it almost sounds like a spell from Hogwarts or something. And really, the Mercury Cazimi happening on the 6th of September may just be a kind of magic day because Mercury is going to be in the heart of the sun, forming a Cazimi. 

The other night we were at an away game for our high school football team and the opposite team and their supporters were so dang powerful - I mean, this is the kind of energy I’m talking about with an exalted Mercury Cazimi in Virgo. 

A cazimi happens with all the planets at some point in the year as the sun makes conjunctions with them at some point in a calendar year, but Mercury, since it travels so closely to the sun, can have 6 or 7 cazimi a year. While Mercury is retrograde for the first two weeks of September, it is part of the retrograde brigade right now - with Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune all currently rx, Venus just stationed direct on September 3rd. 

One thing I have been experiencing a lot is people I know, or people I follow coming out to say they are done with something completely - certain kinds of content or writing they have been producing, and communication-related endeavors especially seem to be thematically ending during this retrograde-a-thon. But back to Mercury Cazimi. 

Mercury is in Virgo right now where it’s at maximum power, exalted, in domicile - top level mercury, (Hermione energy), and being one with the sun empowers it even more - purifies it, gives very potent power to the topics of productivity, health and wellness, precision, details, purification, mental rigor, analysis, and processing - all very powerful while Mercury is in this position.

Clarity of mind, especially around this time will be laser sharp, especially in the areas of how you are meant to serve others, heal in some capacity, or reach for a new level of excellence in some way that’s relevant to you. 

The next time we will have a Mercury Cazimi in Virgo is September 13, 2025, so be mindful of this time to pay attention to any subtle or obvious messages coming through for clarity in the Virgo story playing out in your life.  

The Sabian Symbology giving us another layer of meaning for the Mercury Cazimi is 

Virgo 14 (13° - 14) - A family tree


"Understanding how ancestral qualities have left their mark"

“Leaders need to be faithful to the collective needs of those they lead with whom on some level they share common roots - these roots are the very authority for leadership and the source of their strength.”

So part of this mercury cazimi story is to understand heritage, how are we at this place and space in time, and how are we who we are at a fundamental level. 

There are deep roots, and we are influenced by unknown ancestors that go back to the dawn of time. Many of us are thinking deeply about our ideologies, of what we believe deep down, about what kinds of leaders we want representing us, or not representing us - some clarity can be coming through here around this time - but less about political rhetoric, but more about what needs to be done or focused on for the health of the system, what can we do to help bring some efficiency to systems we are a part of. 

Let’s add another layer or two to this Mercury magical goodness in September - just before the cazimi, Mercury made a trine aspect to Jupiter as Jupiter stationed retrograde - September 4th. What the heck does that mean? Jupiter represents prosperity, wisdom, and optimism amongst other things, and the energy is coming from earthy Taurus - so it is very sensual, tactile, and practical. 

Jupiter can give some clear path of abundance to your mental activities, ideas, or something you need to complete, edit, or even just enjoy the details of - seeing the beauty of patterns or precision. This Mercury Jupiter trine comes back later in the month on September 25th, and by that time Mercury is no longer in retrograde, while Jupiter remains in retrograde (which lasts until December 31, 2023). This will be a bookmark to the September 4th trine between these two, and by this point, there may be some major forward movement for you here with a positive optimistic mindset possibly super blooming around this time, broadminded thinking, seeing the details and the bigger picture at the same time, and an increased joy of discovery, curiosity, and synthesis of ideas. Since we get two of these transits of Jupiter trine Mercury, the entire month of September is overarchingly flavored with this positive open space. 


Sandwiched in between the two Mercury Jupiter Trines is the Mercury-ruled New Moon in Virgo on September 14th, which happens just as Mercury is slowing down to station direct the very next day. Mercury direct September 15. This new moon will likely be a massive opportunity to really dial into thinking about your learning goals, communication intentions, or analysis of something you need to understand at a very deep level. 

I hope this Virgo-powered clarity comes through in a very practical and helpful way for you in the month of September. 


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