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End Game Pluto Horoscopes and how the Aquarius New Moon is the Opening Act

We know you have many choices for where to get your astrology and thank you for choosing L Natale Astrology today. This is your captain, L Natale speaking, there may be some unexpected turbulence with this Aquarian New Moon due to the Pluto Factor, but if we pull a Lieutenant Dan, and ride out the storm head on, we will make out just fine, and if we do it right, we will make out even more than fine. 

First Let’s get a few things clear. 

  1. The last planet both the sun and moon came into contact with before the new moon, was Pluto in Capricorn, on the 28th degree. Also, despite being in different signs, they are within only three degrees of Pluto in Capricorn, which makes them conjunct, and interconnected. The sabian symbol for the degree Pluto is on is a Woman reading tea leaves, which is a metaphoric container that we need to be looking beyond the obvious surface layer for deeper truths. This is conclusion time. What have we learned?

  1. Pluto in the late degrees of Capricorn, which is all about the here and now, goal setting, responsibility and achievement, is projected onto the new moon in Aquarius. The new moon happens on a degree Pluto will soon be traveling to when Pluto moves briefly into Aquarius in March 2023.


  1. We can look at this new moon in Aquarius as a precursor to the Pluto ingress into a new topic area of your life when it goes into Aquarius. Later in the video, we will go over what that area of life may indicate for you, and how to best prepare for this switch by utilizing this new moon as a starting point. 

  1. The planetary powerhouse energy in Aquarius is all ruled by Saturn, the rule maker, and one of the thematic archetypes of Aquarius is being a rule breaker. In order to break the rules, you need to know the rules well. Breaking rules is an outsider behavior. Rules are in place to create a collective order. But Aquarius is the future oriented version of Saturn. In order to reach the future, we need to release and break the hold on the past. 

  1. This new moon can bring in unexpected storms - they can be storms of emotions, brainstorms of inspiration, or literal storms that come out of nowhere. But if you think about a storm, it is a physical expression of a lot of built up energy and pressure in the weather system. Where in your life has this pressure been building? Where are your breakthrough moments? What tension is coming to an apex, an expression, a cathartic release? One thing is for sure, we need to be on maximum awareness mode during a storm, making sure we get through it. There is no positive result for giving in to  weakness when you are in the middle of these climactic stormy moments. The momentum, the breakthrough, the survival of it, is the precursor to handling the next storm, which will have less control over you. 

  1. Uranus the modern ruler of Aquarius is hanging out in Taurus, and will be going stationing direct the very next day, and this indicates the ability for breaking out of rigid patterns. Uranus is always ready for change, even when we are not. 

Now buckle your seatbelt for some New Moon in Aquarius Horoscopes featuring messages from Pluto. Keep in mind that I'm painting in broad strokes, as astrology plays out on such a statistical bell curve - how it affects each individual depends on their own natal chart placements, etc. - some feel it powerfully, some minor, and most of us somewhere in the middle. I am going to be giving you rising sign horoscope delineations, based on whole sign houses, western tropical astrology.You can also watch for your sun or moon signs as well to see if the topics resonate with you.  

Let’s start where the action is happening - 

Aquarius rising. 12th house Pluto, 1st house new moon

There has likely been a long inner battle with the voice inside you, possibly things you do to self sabotage, facing that fear of not really knowing how to go forward, and having an underlying feeling of being alone, or isolated. You could also be the conclusion of a deep period of contemplation, and you can feel the dawn is coming, leading you to some highly spiritual transformation within the last 14 years. A Rebirth is coming, and it has been developing in the womb of your deepest mind/spirit. The new moon is coming through as a preview of a new start in your first house of personality, your operating system, your human filter to the world, your skin, you are starting to feel renewed. This challenging period of time for you is being fertilized with newness, seeds. You will be having Pluto coming into your first house, and it doesn’t have to be a fearful moment for you. Pluto represents power, wealth, and transformation, and with your deep awareness and acceptance that these elements can be positive or negative depending on your response to those topics. Honestly, just knowing about the archetypal energy coming up, puts you in such a more autonomous position to handle what may come, and work with it cooperatively to co-create your best life. Pluto will be in your first house for about 20 years, so it would be a good idea to get acquainted with the upside of Pluto transiting here, and learn how to best incorporate the power, strength and metamorphosis of self represented by this programming. 

Pisces Rising - 11th house Pluto, 12th house new moon

We are looking at your alliances, friends, people you work with for a cause greater than your own, teams. Your hopes, wishes, and dreams may have changed dramatically over the last 14 years. Who can you trust? Who needed to go? What transformation have you come to with the collective, the people who you need in order to accomplish the bigger desires you have- the things you do that live beyond yourself, that transcend time, and create lasting change. Maybe those people needed to change. You may feel very reflective, need some time alone to process this, maybe go into some deep studies, reading, or learning something that will prepare you for what is to come with Pluto entering Aquarius in your 12th house. Pluto is going into deep psychological waters with its ingress into this area of your life, so setting some awareness there, for facing the fact that some transformation is coming your way in the most psychologically deep sense, is wise. Pluto is famous for being the archetype of fear, but truthfully, if you understand the opportunity of working with Pluto, you can see that fear can be faced, fear can be processed, fear can be less powerful over your life. This is a very long, long 20 year transit so Pisces rising, you have an open lane to the greatest inner strength and personal power transformation. 

Aries Rising - 10th house Pluto, 11th house new moon

Here we are putting our lens on your need to be independent in your mission, career, or purpose in the wider world. Now you are going to be transforming who you work with to move forward with this new transformed vision of what you are here to express outwardly. There has likely been a transformation around an internalized view of yourself and what role you play in the workplace, or in your position of dominance or submission when you are relating to others. Are you becoming the guide, or are you in a position to find the core community to be a part of in the role of a student based on the things you have learned in the last 14 years as it relates to your goals, your drive, respect and reputation. As the new moon is happening in your 11th house, preparing the way for Pluto to ingress into that area of your life, it would be very wise to think about your hopes, dreams, and wishes for what you want to accomplish with other people in collaboration. 

Taurus Rising - 9th house Pluto, 10th house new moon

There have been some major thematic changes  in your world view, your belief systems, your philosophy in life. It is likely that you have gone through a great transformation in your consciousness, ideas, and perceptions over the past 14 years. Leaving some old beliefs by the wayside. What have you learned here that you are going to bring to the wider world? How can you apply the deep and challenging lessons you have experienced, possibly breaking from religious, philosophical, or educational dogmas that you once ascribed to, related to, and lived your life from the foundation. Pluto has been in your 9th house where all the binding to the higher level thoughts and experiences live - mind and life expanding themes - like long distance travel, or deep study where your mind travels long distances. You have surely earned something in this area of life in the last 14 years that is ripe for implementation in your role within the wider world. How can you bring that knowledge with you to the spheres of your public influence? New moon in your 10th house is preparing the path for Pluto to transform a new area of your life that is very visible, it may be your career, or your mission in life. In any case, it is something public, so think about what souvenirs you can bring from your transformation into a wider manifestation. 

Gemini rising - 8th house Pluto, 9th house new moon

Your experience of shared resources has been getting churned over like a fallow field, and alongside that is the concept of interdependence. Have you had deep experiences of codependency? IN the past 14 years have you faced a challenging break from those behaviors? Maybe you have had to face tremendous losses of resources, or even loved ones, and in this loss, you have had to totally transform your perceptions of who you are if that person or shared experience is gone. The lessons of Pluto in the 8th house are rather complex, and have to deal with topics that make people generally uncomfortable - death, taxes, sex, inheritance, and most of all the compromises you make when merging shared resources with another. The pressure is going to be leaving these topics soon, and the transformation for you is probably very sensitive. But you have the strength of responsibility in this area of life, and persistence. Now you can take these experiences and bring it to a new level as Pluto enters your 9th house, where this new moon in Aquarius is landing, and you can start to prepare for some major wider world experiences, transformation through philosophy, spirituality, education (going to a higher learning level whatever that may look like for you), understanding balance, and far away places that can expand your mind exponentially. 

Cancer rising - 7th house Pluto, 8th house new moon

There have been major life changes in your personal one on one relationships like partnerships in committed personal relationships, business partners - anyone you are linked together with. There has been a slow burning transformative power coming through the challenges that come inevitably when we partner.  Where there is compromise with another, there is a loss of autonomy, but also there is the potential to become more than you are when you face the world as a single individual. When we partner with a person in an optimum way, we are going towards transcendence over duality - we long become whole, like an ouroboros, ideally. What transformation have you experienced in your close relationships, what have you gained or lost? What power struggles or fears have you faced to understand balancing your own needs with the needs of the partner? With the new moon occurring in your 8th house, it is preparing the ground for Pluto’s eventual ingress into that area of your life, which represents shared resources. The lessons, wisdom and transformation you hopefully have earned through possibly challenging relational experiences in the last 14 years or so, will serve you well as you work on building up your resources with those you partner with. During the new moon, start to think about this next level of your relational experience, and focus on healthy interdependency. 

Leo Rising - 6th house Pluto, 7th house new moon

Themes of  deep sacrifice and experience of service in the past 14 years may have truly drained you. The routine, the day to day, and possibly even your health have been challenged during this time. Leo rising energy typically enjoys being positive, optimistic and wants to have fun, so having Pluto in your 6th house has been at times draining. Luckily that time is coming to an end as Pluto will soon be exiting that area of your life, and in general, having a Capricorn 6th house allows for determination, and a resilient, responsible outcome at the end of the Pluto transit. The new moon is setting up house for themes of transformation that will be developing when Pluto enters your 7th house of one on one relationships. This is a very long transit, and the experiences of Pluto in the 7th are best when they lead to a transformation of any possible unhealthy relationship behaviors you may have. Is there something in the patterns of relationships that need to be consciously adapted? If you understand that you can work to transform the balance of self expression while blending with another, in love or business, you can reap generous rewards and transcendence over old relational bad habits.

Virgo Rising - 5th house Pluto, 6th house new moon

The challenges and transformation have been coming through your creative center, your self expression and the desire to just be yourself. How have you changed here? What have you had to give up and sacrifice over the past 14 years? Have there been heartbreaks for yourself? Experiences with your children or other people’s children that have led you through a metamorphosis? Has there been loss here? The fifth house also is a place that rules gambling, speculation, and investments, so that could have also gone either way, as Pluto stories are about change, and that could indicate a great intake of wealth or loss through speculation. What you may have been learning in the past 14 years, is that play and self expression is important - fun is important. The new moon in aquarius is setting up in a place that Pluto will soon be entering, in your 6th house. With Pluto having a very long stay in this area of your life that rules your health, your routines, and your service to others, it is important to keep the lessons of joy to balance this experience. You must keep investing in your own happiness, your childlike joy, and unapologetically be yourself. Learn to take breaks. Get friendly with self-care routines. Keep incorporating things that make you feel good. There can be a great wealth of deep transformation for you when you integrate a balance of self love and focus on your health, as you give of yourself in humble service to others. 

Libra Rising 4th house Pluto, 5th house new moon

Home, family, ancestors, your relationship to tradition - those have had big themes of transformation over the past 14 years, and you may have also gone through a lot of inner work, facing pain from your past, or emotional trauma, family karma, and you are getting ready for closure, moving forward hopefully with some freedom from the issues you have processed. The fourth house is a private place, but it is also where we can tap into the collective unconsciousness, and this has been a time in the past 14 years where you have been rebuilding some of those inner structures, or even your physical home, through some possibly difficult challenges. Ideally, with Pluto going through this deep and sensitive house, you are coming out of this period with a sense of freedom on the horizon. This could also have been a time of acquiring land, property or wealth, or some sort of heritage acquisition like an inheritance or the opposite - not getting the money from the family that you were expecting to get, and having to deal with that loss. On the other hand, there could have been some transformative loss happening in your family or home through this time, and it is a definite before and after experience in your life. A Pluto experience changes us on some level, and we are just not the same afterwards. So the new moon in Aquarius is happening on a degree that Pluto will soon inhabit, and you can start to look ahead to a time when Pluto will not be creating these experiences in your home arena. The next step is to start thinking about how you express yourself in your life, are you enjoying your life? Do you need to make changes to have more creativity, more joy, and engage with your inner child? What did you want to do as a kid? What were your dreams? Start thinking about how you may be aiming your new found foundations towards powerful self expression. 

Scorpio Rising 3rd house Pluto, 4th house new moon 

There have been major transformative changes in your communication world, how you communicate to others, and how you take in information. How have you changed in regards to your immediate surroundings and To your closest friends, siblings, neighbors, extended family? Have you had to give something up? Have fears arisen from your consciousness about being misunderstood? We communicate to establish our connections to others, and words really do have a massive amount of power to create the world you live in. Coming to the last legs of this journey of Pluto in the third house, ideally, you have transformed your communication in some way, and let go of old patterns with friends, siblings, extended family, neighbors that held you locked in an un-evolved stasis chamber. The riches here are a higher level of control of your consciousness, your words, your relationship to your environment. The third house is the local environment you are in, close to home where you don’t require mind expansion through encountering the unfamiliar. Maybe you have had to get out of some stagnant routine, living where you have been on autopilot in some way. Now the new moon happening in Aquarius is the opening act for Pluto, which will soon be moving to that degree later this year. In your fourth house, the house of family, ancestors, your physical home, and your inner world, you may be having to face some empowerment experiences within your family, using your newfound communication skills, to make some major changes, or face some of the old fears that have been trailing along side you for way too long. This can also be about a great transfer of familial power, or even wealth and acquisition of property or land on your own terms. 

Sagittarius Rising 2nd house Pluto, 3rd house new moon 

Your values, attitudes, money, movable property, things you own have been at the heart of a lot of challenging transformation over the past 14 years. You may have found yourself asking questions like, “Do I really value this anymore? Do I need this stuff, or that thing, to feel valuable as a person?” Pluto in the second house may indicate experiences where those things were forcibly taken away from you through life circumstances, or on the flip side, you may have come into wealth or power, but realized it was not enough to truly make you happy. You possibly have had life lessons in the past several years that have forced you to reevaluate what you are attached to. Because Pluto is a planet that is an indicator of wealth, it could have been an over abundance/imbalance in funds. In the past you may have been attached unconsciously to something physical like a car, or money in the bank, and if that is in check, there is a feeling of security. Pluto in the second may have been the marker of being forcibly detached from that sense of security. Ideally, the winning outcome for a Pluto in the second house experience, is healthy detachment from aligning your worth as a human from your financial status or your things. The new moon in Aquarius happening in your third house of communication and local environment is setting the stage for a new Pluto story in your life. The upside of Pluto in the third house is an empowerment beyond belief in your ability to communicate yourself clearly, and build worlds with your words. 

Capricorn Rising 1st house Pluto, 2nd house new moon 

Pluto traveling through your first house has been the most personal transformation in comparison to all the other signs. If you look back to 14 years ago, you may not even recognize the person you used to be - emotionally, physically, or how you present yourself to the world, just who you are now, is a far cry from who you were then. And that transformation was paved with blood sweat and tears. Capricorn rising usually appreciates a good challenge, but at times, the challenges you have been faced with personally could have brought you to the breaking point. If you are here not only intact, but improved, at the end of Pluto in the first house journey, consider yourself extremely successful. It has not been easy for Capricorn rising in the past several years for many reasons, and they all could have been compounded by the pluto overarching narrative of butterfly style metamorphosis of your very person. The good news is you have earned whatever you have become - the transformations you have made personally are 100 percent owned by you, and that is powerful. Never forget that. The other good news, Pluto will never ever be in your first house again. Now the new moon in Aquarius happening in your second house is opening up a plot of fertile land for setting seeds in a new place. What do you want to do with a new version of yourself going forward? What values do you have, what power in your finances or personal possessions are you going to look at deeply in order to transform that area of life? 

It looks like the storm is clearing up. I hope find some Aha moments amongst the bumps and turbulence, and know the darkest hour is just before dawn. 

We hope you have enjoyed your stay on the L Natale Astrology Chanel, feel free to stay here as long as you want, and if you are moving on, many happy returns for wherever your final destination may be in this delightful rabbit hole wonderland we call Youtube

I like you just the way you are!!


This Symbol shows the need to withstand “Storms” and things that whip up unexpectedly. It can show sudden flashes of inspiration, intuition or clairvoyance – those aha! moments. It can be thoughts and emotions that erupt from out of nowhere. They can be brilliant or unstable (or both). You will likely find that you are suddenly tested or taken by surprise. Inner strength and stability are put to the test but you learn a lot from your experiences. The effect can be quite liberating, although there can be an initial shock. Thunderstorms clear the air after an extreme buildup of energy. There can be a sense of awe and wonder at the power of natural events.

Sudden visitations of natural wonder. Breakthrough moments. A break in tension in the atmosphere. Thunder, lightning and electricity. The Tower card. Being a lightning rod.

Losing control without warning. Emotional instability. Bottling up and then blowing up. Storms in a tea cup. Seizing up with fear. Loud bangs and crashes that stun.

Secret Soundtrack Song for this Video: 


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