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Horoscopes for Mars in Gemini Moving Forward Until End of March 2023

This is the horoscope portion of my Mars direct and rx retrospective where we will be talking about the experiences each zodiac sign has had over this 7 month story of Mars in Gemini. Mars entered gemini August 20th, 2022, turned retrograde on October 30th, 2022, and goes direct January 12, 2023. We still have a few months of Mars in Gemini until it departs on March 25th, 2023.

These horoscopes are based on your rising sign primarily, but you can also watch your sun and moon signs, and see which one resonates most with you. I use tropical western astrology and whole sign houses.

Everyone starts with Aries, but let’s go with the sign in the spotlight first - Gemini. 

For Gemini Rising, this one has been personal. Mars traveling in your first house of your physical body, health and vitality as well as your personality, may have been pretty fired up during these months. And during the retrograde period, there may have been some decreased energy, some slowness of your physical body or mental agility that you are not used to. Mars here going direct is a chance to be fired up from your core, and your energy will be returning full force. This may feel like the beginning of a new force within you, driving forward. 

Cancer rising, this has been in a sensitive area of your life, and you may have been experiencing some struggles with your inner world, or possibly a feeling of confinement, or being held back Mars moving forward in your 12th house will bring a renewed courage within you to face some of the more personally challenging aspects of your life, and you may have a deeper drive for your self understanding and realization. This may feel like a long time coming, a preparation for a rebirth of power and courage. 

Leo rising, this can be a renewal of your hopes, wishes, dreams - finding the right level of action and courage to move forward here. Groups of people who are mentally stimulating to you, alliances, friends and social circles are full of stimulation and interest. You may have been contemplating what friends or groups need to be cut from your life during the mars rx, and now you have more clarity of who you can count on, and who you need to let go. 

Virgo Rising - your career, profession or social status has been up for a lot of rethinking during the mars rx. How do you communicate yourself in the most effective way, how do you act on your instincts and where should you be placing your energy in the outer world. You may have been contemplating people who are in power positions over you, and how to best act moving forward with your place in the external world. 

Libra rising - your philosophy on life, and how you deal with moving forward with ideas in the realm of higher thinking has been the focus of this stay of mars in gemini. Mars here has been watching carefully how you may limit yourself through your ideas or structures of religion, or institutions of higher learning. You may have been watching carefully how these ideas have to be invigorated, cut to the quick, and maybe slashed/or cut away in order to be free to communicate your own higher truth. Mars has been stalking the way you perceive reality through your views, and with it going forward, you may be ready for some entirely new experiences within the wider world, physically, spiritually, and philosophically. 

Scorpio rising, this has been a time of contemplating your reliance on others, your benefits or shared resources from others. But aside from some of the general concepts of dependency, this may really have been a time of personal transformation of the way you want to be or not be connected or reliant on other people for your security. The Mars rx could have been the chrysalis where your rational mind has been on overdrive thinking about how you may be dependent on others, on crutches like social media, or other things that you let your mind escape to. Something has outgrown its usefulness, and Mars is here to cut it away, so you can be more reliant on yourself when you need to be. 

Sagittarius rising, Mars has been moving through your relationship house - the seventh is both personal partners in business or love, as well as open enemies. Mars going through this area of your life may have made you really think about what kind of relationships you are in, as Mars has also been opposing your ascendent this whole time as well. You may have been thinking and rethinking if you need to move forward or cut ties in order to balance what you are here personally to do, and what you are partnering with others to do. With Mars turning direct in this area of your life, there should be clarity on how to move forward decisively. 

Capricorn rising - You may feel like you have been getting worked to the bone during this retrograde period, or perhaps giving way more than you are taking. Mars here asks you why you have been creating this imbalance. It may be time to do something for your own health and balance, some serious cutting out of the excess servitude in order to make space to do the things you need to do express yourself. The connection to the body is intense with Mars in this area of your life, and it may require you to sacrifice some of the other things you routinely do, in order to make a new active routine. You may be thinking about if there is purpose to what you are doing daily in your life, and if not, it needs be cut out. 

Aquarius rising - have you been separated from some of the joyful and playful things in your life during the last few months? Maybe some challenges with love affairs, or dating could be a part of this retrograde. Also thinking about what you need to cut from your life that is not healthy joy - such as over indulging yourself in any way. With Mars moving forward in the area of your life that represents things we do for the joy of it, of children and the inner child, and also personal creativity. This mars direct energy is a firehose of action that you can go forward with to release your creative ideas, and move forward courageously. 

Pisces rising - How are you doing? Mars spending 7 months in you most internal and deep area of your home, family, ancestors, and inner world likely has been bringing up a lot of inner conflict about your connections to those things. A lot of the familial conditioning and past behaviors may be getting an extended level of contemplation. You may have also even had some actual challenges or changes in your physical home or living situation. Something is possibly being taken away from you, and you have to decide if you are willing and ready to give that up, or if you have to fight to keep it. Mars going direct will be the decisive action you’ve been waiting to have, that change in the energy that flips the power into your hands, giving you courage and clarity.

If you are an Aries rising, this is relating to your communication style, how you express your opinions, the community you live in or interact with online, your siblings, neighbors, or extended family. The question to ask yourself is am I being too aggressive with my words or am I not communicating my opinions and beliefs in a way that opens others to a new point of view rather than making them feel like they need to argue with you. Where can you be more conscious about your part in your environment, and get off autopilot with some of your reactive behaviors. 

For Taurus rising, likely this has been about your sense of security, your personal finances, the way you feel stable and strong in life. It is action in your sensual body, how you feel strong and satisfied with your home or body. What changes in your communication about your livelihood or attitudes towards your values, or spending habits need to be clarified for you. What are you identifying yourself with externally, that you may be over attached to? You may have been contemplating your relationship to things, and this may be a time where you can detach or cut away some of the excess identification with external status symbols. You may be moved to remove things that no longer serve you.  

I like you just the way you are - be wise with your words, they build your reality. 


Soundtrack for this Energy: More than Words by Extreme


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