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I made a mistake....let me explain


Sunday, January 22, 2023 Uranus stationed direct and smacked me in the face - see it left marks. Actually, these marks do have some astrological explanation, and I will share it with you if you are interested to know the story after I set the record straight. I owe you an apology. I made a blunder in my last video: Pluto End Game Horoscopes. 

Like a lightning bolt from Uranus this morning, I was sitting at breakfast, and out of nowhere I realized I had said Pluto would be in Aquarius for 40 years, but what I meant to say was it will be there until the 2040’s. My mouth and brain were totally not aligned, that is clear. As soon as I realized this, I got on here to let you know.

I am so sorry for any confusion - and I think it is best to be completely transparent, and take responsibility when something like this happens. I care about you deeply, and never want to steer you wrong. So totally unintentional, but it happened nevertheless, no excuses.

I have a mega ton of Virgo energy, so making a mistake on a detail is torture, truly, but I am working on not letting it have torture level power over me, and I am working on accepting my moments of human fallibility, because they are normal. In doing so, I hope I can encourage someone out there that their mistakes are also ok, and normal. That being said, Pluto will be in Aquarius for only 20ish years. Not 40 years. The 2040’s. That’s the good news. 

Here are the dates for Pluto in Aquarius to be completely clear: 

Pluto is in Aquarius from March 23, 2023, to June 11, 2023, when it retrogrades back into Capricorn. It will enter Aquarius again from January 20, 2024, until September 1, 2024, retrograde back into Capricorn for one last time, then back into Aquarius again from November 19, 2024, to March 8, 2043

Now if you want to stick around and are interested in a bit of astrology in action, here’s the story of my new star trek alien marks around my eyes. This is another step towards fully being authentic and facing forward when I would have been so embarrassed by my physical form and probable judgment of others. So here I sit before you, totally exposed to criticism, and I am fine with whatever repercussions come with that. I’m human. If I can’t accept that, I can’t expect anyone else to. So here’s the story. 

The New Moon in Aquarius landed on the sabian symbol indicating unexpected storms symbology, Aquarius 2. I am in a Cancer profection year for my AC, which is ruled by the moon. In plain language, that means the Moon is the ruler of my year, especially my body and expression since it is the Ascendent.  Whatever is happening with the moon physically, can be manifesting in my life symbolically. Each year we get a different planetary ruler on our birthday, and this year mine is the moon. So as I was preparing for my book club dinner party, these irritations around my eyes started to form, 

Open the just finished dishwasher, billows of steam

Open the oven billows of hot air and steam

Cooking food in pans, more heat and steam

It just kept getting worse and worse throughout the evening. Eventually these halos of solar redness, darkening the areas in the center came up to the surface. The Sun and Moon each rule an eye in astrology, so when the moon conjoined with the sun this happened. Also, this new moon happened to be a super moon, where the moon was closer than it has been in over a thousand years, causing super king tides on the coasts, and for me, it manifested in some very unexpected reaction and swelling around my eyes. It is the first time this has ever happened to me. 

I have been using a new night cream with retinol and that is likely the real world practical reason for this reaction, but the timing for when it manifested on my face, can be contained in the archetype of the unexpected storm of this aquarian new moon. 

How was the new moon for you? Did anything unexpected come up?

I do want to wish you a happy lunar new year as well, the year of the water rabbit. In Chinese culture, rabbits represent the moon. Some say it is because the shadows of the moon resemble a rabbit. Others say it is because of the rabbit’s pure characteristics. 

If you click on the doodle on google today, you will see this neat firework show on your screen. And if you want to learn more about the Chinese zodiac I will put a link in the description for more information:

I want to thank you for the opportunity to be here with you, be vulnerable, and have a chance to express my most authentic self. 

I like you just the way you are, and thank you for your kindness 

I’ll talk to you next time

here is the video on youtube

Soundtrack for this video:


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