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One Wild Week plus Aquarius New Moon 2023 - Youtube Transcript

This very week is your break free celebration, a big moment of release in Aquarius ruled topics of your life - this is the week where mercury turns direct, last week we got Mars finally direct in gemini, and the third bowling pin of retrograde planets will fall down the day after the new moon in Aquarius, on February 22, which is quite an interesting day in itself with lots going on, when my planetary BFF Uranus also stations direct, and Woo! Yeah, Happy NEW Year to you at last! Bout three weeks in, but here we are.

Seriously, sometimes i have felt in the last few weeks that we still have Christmas coming up, or like what the heck happened to Christmas and new year, did that already happen? 

So this week is important, and I am going to breakdown the major moves coming at you this week. 

Wednesday January 18, we have Mercury stationing direct in Capricorn, it's been retrograde since December 29, 2022. On this very same day, the Sun makes its yearly meet up with Pluto - Pluto Cazimi, shedding a ton of light on any darkness that may have been coming up for you while Mercury was retrograde these last few weeks. For each of us this means something completely different, and it will depend on the whole sign house this Capricorn story is coming through. Listen, we have all had Pluto plowing through an area of our lives since 2008 and we have been faced with some major experiences of transformation under that realm, those topics. Some major realizations may be coming through for you here. Be aware of any messages, experiences, thoughts, even dreams you have around the few days before this, and a few days after, that will help you come to some conclusions or get some closure here. We have one more year, 2024, where the sun will meet up with Pluto in Aquarius for the final time, so that will likely be when we will see the thread of this long Pluto narrative running through the Capricorn area of our lives start to have perspective. Pluto messages take a while to understand.

 Mercury stations direct on sabian symbol Capricorn 9. The image is: 


 This is the messenger of your mind, your soul, your spirit, that is here to sooth you in this area of life, with care - sometimes we need to call on this inner guide, or angel if you wish (which I think is actually a part of our own higher self but that’s hypothetical, whatever.) But with the harp image, we can imagine harmony, harmonics, tuning in to what you need to harmonize within this area of your life in order to fully come to a transformation place. We are talking about messages of peace from the other side or inner voice. Being in tune, spiritually, some form of redemption, and even finding a spirtual teacher or group you resonate with. The key word there is revelations. 

Pluto Sun Cazimi occur on sabian symbol CAPRICORN 29 A WOMAN READING TEA LEAVES 

Yeah, Pluto has been hanging out here on this symbol for a while back and forth, and it is really about looking beyond what is on the surface, using your intuition to receive the gifts of being brave enough to face the fears, rational or irrational, some fears are rationally valid, and some others we create and feed, they are irrational, and our actions or behaviors can actually create the opportunity for that fear to materialize, and those fears need to go. They don't serve you. These are topics that have been thematic in your life since 2008. Intuition is something we can discard, especially if we have a hard time trusting our instincts, or have been trained not to trust the gut instinct we all inherently have. The skepticism, or fear we have about trusting ourselves implicitly, even when it seems odd, or to listen to messages you hear inside and discard them, is not going to help you. Rather it can lead you down a bramble filled road that can be a mental labyrinth. See the signs, the messages that have meaning to you, the animals, colors, songs, whatever. The Pluto Sun conjunction here on this degree highlights this story with open pathways of the spiritual center. IT can be scary to trust fully trust yourself, but that is what the archetype of Pluto is here for, forcing us to face fears, in order to transcend fears. 

Next the Sun enters Aquarius Friday January 20th BOOM - The Light and collective consciousness turns decidedly social relational, humanitarian, social idealism-infused. If you are an Aquarius sun, this is your home sign energy flowing, and with all these planets coming through, be ready for some action. For everyone, the slice of life ruled by Aquarius in your whole sign chart, is being lit up, so there should be more of a focus of that area of life. Here is an easy graphic, if you know what house Aquarius is in, expect some illumination and action in that area of your life. I'll link this pdf for you in the description below. 

On Saturday January 21 We get a new moon in Aquarius - Sun and Moon melding into one, a rendezvous that happens each month, where we get a chance to start over, to plant seeds and make our intentions known to whatever the heck governs our personal curriculum and universal energy flow. If you are still with me, I will share with you that this is my home moon - I am an Aquarius moon, and I can tell you from personal experience, that an Aquarius moon is not a typical moon. The sabian symbol for this new moon is Aquarius 2,   AN UNEXPECTED THUNDERSTORM. So we can expect something unexpected to happen during this time, and it may whip up some inner turmoil, or give you a sudden flash of inspiration, lightning style.  this is continuing the theme of these last few days of listening for the message, those aha! moments. Also, it may be a time when emotions come out of nowhere, really based on some of the Pluto story you may be digesting or facing. This may feel like you are being tested, and your inner strength is where you need to learn to find stability in the rocky stormy seas.  We learn the most from our challenging experiences, and these are lessons plated with gold.  Breakthrough moments. A break in tension in the atmosphere. Thunder, lightning and electricity. 

The next day, Sunday January 22, action city. Uranus stations direct, Venus the planet of love and beauty conjoins with her secret alliance member, the keeper of time, Saturn, and the moon is on this once a year meet up at the same time. This will be the last time we see Venus conjoining Saturn in the sign of Aquarius and with the moon here as well, it is a very physical, environmental, on the earth plane kind of meet up. This is a time of emotional maturity, it is a more stand offish version of Venus, not a touchy feely moment with Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, but with the moon there, it is much more directly related to how you are feeling, it brings this energy down to earth, so to speak, since the moon is the container of energy, and the reflector of experience for us here on the planet. Be aware of any desire to overly defend your emotions, or delve too deep into fears of rejection of abandonment. This is a possible chance to finally emotionally digest those chronic fears and see that there are beautiful things that can come from becoming more emotionally mature, and letting stuff go. 

For most of my videos, I have a soundtrack song that inspires me, and I post the music video at the end of the transcript, since copyright stuff keeps me from using the song here. So check that out and see if you agree with me about the song choice representing this week! 

Also, I am really excited about something I am developing for us as a community, and I hope to have that up and running soon for anyone who wants to connect with me and others who enjoy this channel, on a deeper level. 

My friend, I truly like you just the way you are - you have a beautiful spirit inside of you, shining like the diamond you are. Have a wonderful week, and I will talk to you next time. 


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