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5 Things You Must Know About Mercury Conjunct Pluto Times

 When Mercury contacts Pluto, it is not ‘bad’. It is just another tile in the astro-mosaic of a fully lived life. It plays out differently for each person - remember the bell curve of astrological experience - everything depends on your own chart. And this video, in the end, is a message of reality, transformation, and ultimate truth brought to you by a Mercury Pluto contact. We are going to talk about five things that may happen during a Mercury Pluto conjunction, and how you can make the most of this time as a co-creator of your life.  

When Mercury conjoins Pluto, it happens once a year, and you may start feeling this way about a week before the conjunction, as it builds, and for another week afterwards as it separates. You can find The exact dates for Mercury Pluto conjunctions coming up in the description below. remember, a conjunction is when two planets join as one entity on the same zodiacal degree. The meanings fuse and blend into one. 

Here are five things you should be aware of to make the most out of Mercury conjunct Pluto times: 

  1. Be aware that you, or people around you may have a tendency towards obsessive thoughts or communication. When Mercury and Pluto combine, there is an atmosphere ripe for things to become more intense and pressured - serious problems may be top of mind, and by actively pursuing those topics, potential deep solutions can also arise during this time. If you need to take a moment or an hour to yourself, you should. Sometimes the answers come when we do something routine. Go for a walk, spend some quiet time in a darkened room, or write out your thoughts on paper just to get them out of your head. 

  1. Mercury conjunct Pluto is a transit that is supportive of troubleshooting, doing depth research, and mental work. Pluto and Mercury joining makes space for sustained engagement on a singular line of thinking, and a resolution can be found if you follow the trail. It might feel like the answer is just around the corner, just below the surface. The truth needs to be sought after. The answer needs to be pursued. And with sustained effort, it can be revealed. 

  1. I find that being conscious of the astrological archetypes dancing in the sky can give us an advantage. The energy has to come through somehow - the order is up, and it has to be satisfied. We can actively direct ourselves towards a theme related to the transit, and an offering can be made to ‘burn off’ the energy so to speak. Dr. Richard Tarnas of Cosmos and Psyche fame calls Mercury conjunct Pluto  the archetypal detective alignment,  and people sometimes develop an interest in detective novels or themes. Engaging with something mysterious, a case to solve, something along the lines of Agatha Christie or Arther Conan Doyle, in book or film form, could be very appealing at this time. A dive into depth psychology, or criminology may also be of interest to some people during this transit to learn more about motivations, and comprehend the hidden facets of human minds. Solve a mystery. Answer a question. 

  1. You may find that you can write or speak with more precision. It can be a time of intense mental activity, very penetrating in quality. It is not superficial - that won’t be satisfying. The ability to persuade or be persuaded can be intense. Astrologer Robert Hand says, “Under this Transit you have the ability to make penetrating analysis of human nature, but be careful whom you discuss these with and what you say. These talents are useful, but you do have to be extra careful in handling them. You may also encounter this problem in a projected form; that is you may have to contend with someone who acts towards you in any of the ways described above. This Transit can indicate a mental power struggle in which you may be either the victim or the perpetrator. ”

  1. Because we are being Mercury Pluto real, here we need to touch on the shadow side. Archetypal Astrologer Renn Butler says, “The shadow side of the Mercury Pluto field emerges when driving energies press upward from within, warping the balance and serenity of people's mental states. They may become fixated on one train of thought. They might also be tempted to engage in intellectual power struggles, devastating criticism, or the moral and psychological analysis of others. Even when these perceptions are accurate, it is generally more helpful to turn the penetrating insight associated with Mercury Pluto onto oneself and one's own inner deep motivations.

During each Pluto cycle there's always another layer to uncover


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