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It's A LOT - Venus Neptune Conjunct AND Saturn Cazimi 2023 back to back


The Venus Neptune conjunction in Pisces 2023 is the beautiful merging of two planets representing some of the more lovely aspects of being human on earth - love, sensuality, beauty, imagination, divine love, dissolution of boundaries and merging with others. 

You may hear that Venus conjunct neptune times are ones of illusions, be careful if you fall in love during this time, it may not be as good as you think…honestly, that may be a potentiality, but I don’t like that astrological advice. First of all, beautiful moments in life can be few and far between, and falling in love, or indulging in fantastical thought, or letting your creative imagination leave you with ecstatic goose bumps are the sweet joys of life. Why in the world would anyone tell you to break that spell early to be aware that this may not be what you think it is - take off the rose colored glasses, kid. No. I say keep them on and bask in the rosy glow, saving the precautionary thinking for later if you even need it. Nothing in life lasts forever, so why rush it away? It is going to pass with or without any force upon it. 

And honestly, this conjunction of Venus and Neptune on Feb 15, is sandwiched between two rather intense transits - Mercury conjunct Pluto feb 10 - the detective transit of deep introspection, and Sun conjunct saturn on Feb 16, where saturn the planet of responsibility, realism, and mastery is at full illuminated power in the heart of the sun. If we take these three consecutive conjunctions and blend their meanings we have something more sober, more intrinsic, taking a more realistic view of just how damn beautiful everything is in life, even when things are not what they seem. 

The venus neptune conjunction also lands at a sabian symbol that represents cleansing, or renewal. Sabian Symbol Pisces 25: The purging of the priesthood. Perhaps there has been something corrupting your life, your path, or your dream. That can be a million things - you will know what yours is. IT is something that needs to be purged and purified. Now this may take a while to fully do, but this can be the beginning phase, where through the detective transit you have identified the issue, and are starting to see the solution. 

This Venus Neptune conjunction can include the beautiful dream of being free from things that may have long haunted or plagued your life. With the deep introspection and problem solving of mercury pluto conjunction, there may be a new area of life you are ready to put some imagination, some hope, love, beauty, into.

 And with the Saturn Cazimi the next day, this imaginative and cathartic cleanse, the plan for understanding what needs to happen next, can come very clear. Saturn will soon be entering Pisces in March of 2023, where it will stay for 2 years. So those dreams, fantasies, open hearts and boundless feelings of love, healing, creativity and imagination can be contained in a way. There can be some reality brought to what is usually not at all realistic over this period of time. Realism in the form of Saturn traveling in the realm of the Piscena nebula provides the gravity to pull together powerhouse stars. These stars can last beyond lifetimes. 

Saturn is a planet that gets a bad rap because it represents things that require something from us, a sacrifice, discipline, a boundary to push against, confinement, melancholy, discomfort, but it is powerful in its domicile in Aquarius. Here it is making its last Cazimi in that sign, not returning to Aquarius for about 28 years - it will be back in the year 2050. The power of Saturn in Aquarius is strong  for the collective, for humanity. The Saturn cazimi is providing a glimpse as to how we can expand our perception to see more deeply, and have a discipline to make use of what we see, what we learn. The positive end game for Saturn experiences is one of earned strength, power over weakness through trials, and most highly, it is the path to mastery of skills and ultimately our own selves. 

So see, it is complicated. This one transit, venus conjunct neptune in pisces  alone in a vacuum is spectacularly divine, enlightening, and straight up beautiful. When we consider that there are other concurrent things happening, this transit gains nuance and meaning for the moment of life we are in. It is still beautiful, it is still divine, but it is also directed into a place to put our imagination into purging what has not worked in our lives, and start imagining new ways, new landscapes. 

Joni Mitchel wrote a song called, ‘a case of you,” and it is said to be written about her one time love, Leonard Cohen. He’s most famous for writing the song, Hallelujah, and he also had the venus neptune conjunction in his birth chart - in the first house in virgo. His work closely relates to this conjunction, but we aren't going too deep there for now. Sticking with the song, Joni Mitchell says, I could drink a case of you, and still be on my feet, still be on my feet. This represents this energy well - drinking a case of something would usually put someone on their backs, but with the gravity around the other transits melding with the venus neptune conjunction, there is a way to stay on our feet. Later she sings one of my favorite lyrics, “part of you pours out of me in these lines from time to time.” And that is the idealization and elation of merging and being inspired by someone or something. We can blend, and part of what has inspired us, becomes us, and in that moment there is a boundaryless flow. 


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