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Pisces New Moon, Venus in Aries, Saturn in Pisces 2023

Pisces New Moon happening on February 19th or 20th depending on where you are on the planet is being hyped as a pretty important new moon. For people who engage in more new age topics, Pisces new moon is an open portal allowing people to dive into an objective dream-like spiritual realm where new age stuff is one of the native tongues. But sometimes it gets too obvious, and cliche. Pisces new moon is a time of major spiritual awakening! 

Another spiritual awakening? We must really be deep in sleep if we need so many spiritual awakenings, huh? With this new moon in Pisces being hyped as a way to ‘blast open your third eye’ , despite that being a possibility for some people, in general, that seems like a lot of pressure to me. This new moon is quite lovely, with exalted Venus along for the ride, and Neptune the modern ruler still floating around in Pisces of course. Pisces is known for being one of the most spiritual, beautiful and boundless signs of the zodiac.

IS pisces new moon good for setting spiritual intentions? Yes

Is pisces new moon for attuning to your intuition and dreams? Yep definitely - probably one of the best. 

Is pisces new moon good for letting your imagination carry you to creative answers? absolutely, yes

How about opening your third eye? Sure, if you get the option, go for it. 

But if you don’t magically get a third eye opening, that’s ok. There is some major concurrent energy shifting just after this new moon, Venus enters Aries about the same time, and soon Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, and will be in the mystical water world energy for two years. I have heard it talked about like a total wet blanket, the person at the party who wants to follow all rules and regulations even when it is unnecessary, the narc who rats out the teenagers sneaking beers (or perhaps magic mushrooms) to the authorities. 

So enjoy Pisces now! You may hear - float in the sea of dreams, open up that eye, and awaken! And then what? Haha Saturn comes in and reality checks ya. 

And maybe I am being a wet saturnian blanket on this new moon, but to me, this Pisces new moon is more of an opening act for the ingress of Saturn. Not to be mean, but it is less ‘WOO’ and more ‘What can you Do’ 

To me, Saturn is not a wet blanket. Saturn is the discipline that makes meaning of the Piscean dreams and imaginative or creative experiences. Saturn brings them out of dream land and into what we can call standard reality. The one where life is being lived in the material realm. The dreams, the art, the imagination, the spirituality that can come back from the pisces sphere is one of the things that makes real life tolerable. 

My advice for this new moon is to actively spend some time letting your imagination go. Everybody wants something in life - that is what makes us human. Most of us really just want to be happy, and there are infinite definitions of what happiness is to each individual on earth. So Think through to an ideal reality for yourself. See yourself happy. See the path further down the line where you have everything you want in your life. Don’t limit yourself. Go wild - go Piscean wild. Get an image from the imaginary landscape now, then offer it to Saturn when it comes into Pisces in March. Keep that destination in mind, and maybe if you put in the hard work of Saturn, after the two years it is in Pisces, you will be much closer to that ideal image or plan, or project, or just plain happiness, whatever that looks like for you. Then you can look back, many steps closer to that dream vision you pulled from the imaginal realm, to the Pisces New Moon time of 2023. 


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