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Saturn in Pisces 2023-2025 Time Line Jumping and Thought Experiments

March 7, 2023 marks the start of Saturn in Pisces, after five long years of Saturn in Saturn ruled signs, Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn times are about to change, and this new ride of the planet that represents the limits of the reality that can be perceived by ordinary consciousness, is about to be traveling in a place where boundaries are a foreign language. Anything is possible in Pisces, it is both an ending and a beginning, it is mystic. It is surrender in the purest form to something bigger and hard to fully understand. So Saturn, the planet of containment, boundaries, and reality, will be in Pisces until May of 2025, with its bag to bring back dreams in. So to prepare for this period, let’s explore Saturn in Pisces in the form of a Thought Experiment: Open your mind and imagine the following: 

As a Swiss geology professor, Jost Winteler often hiked in the alps. Over the years, he had witnessed several people fall off steep mountain inclines, and he reported being horrified at what those people were experiencing, their bodies being slammed and flipped and catapulted down the mountain. Then one day, Jost, himself took a wrong step, and became the one falling. According to historical records, in August 1899, Winteler was climbing the Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps when he slipped and fell 50 meters (164 feet) down a steep slope. 

He expected a horrific experience based on what he witnessed from viewing other hikers fall, but found an entirely different and surprising scenario occurring. As he fell, he was able to think about the physics of the fall, and where his body should go in order to have the best chance at survival. There was a ledge he was going to be launched off of, and he considered whether there would be a patch of snow to break his fall, and if so, how to land there. He thought about the lecture he was set to give the following week and how disappointing it would be if didn't get to do it. He thought about his family and how they would feel if he died. The thoughts went on and on for what seemed like a very long time, while in fact the actual fall took mere seconds. 

Miraculously, Jost survived the fall off the freaking matterhorn, but suffered severe injuries, including broken ribs, a broken arm, and a fractured skull. After recovery, the main thing that surprised him was the elongation of the perception of time. Time slowed down to infinitesimal moments within moments for him despite his body being hurtled down 164 feet of the mountain. Jost became fascinated by this concept of time and perception, and talked freely about it in his lectures. This concept of time malleability stuck in the mind of one of his young students - Albert Einstein, who was very close to Winteler and corresponded for years afterward, later came up with the theory of relativity, which of course states that time is relative to speed. Einstein famously conducted thought experiments, and this early discussion of perceived time may have partially influenced what later became his most famous theory. 

From the Library of Congress: 

Einstein's work changed the way the world viewed physics, especially concerning relativity and quantum theory. He published hundreds of scientific papers during the course of his life, but in 1905, the year he turned 26, he published the four groundbreaking papers These papers forever changed the way people view space, time, mass, and energy. 

Guess what else happened in 1905? Saturn entered Pisces. 1905, was called his 'year of wonders', in which he published four papers of ground-breaking importance. First he published the work that introduced quanta of energy - a core idea of quantum theory. Next was a paper on Brownian motion explaining the movement of small particles suspended in a liquid. His third paper introduced the special theory of relativity linking time, distance, mass and energy while his fourth paper contains one of the most famous equations of all, E=mc².

Einstein had a 9th house Pisces sun and MC, and a natal Saturn Mercury conjunction in Aries, so drew a lot of foundational containers from the imaginal realm, and put them into a practical and useful container, which became his theories and papers. 

That brings us to thought experiments in general, which is a very Saturnian use of the Piscian imaginary realm. A paper from Stanford University defines thought experiments like this: 

Thought experiments are basically devices of the imagination. They are employed for various purposes such as entertainment, education, conceptual analysis, exploration, hypothesizing, theory selection, theory implementation, etc. They should also be distinguished from counterfactual reasoning in general, as they seem to require an experimental element, which explains the impression that something is experienced in a thought experiment (i.e., being seen, felt, heard, etc.; not literally, of course).

Of course, Scientists. Nobody thinks you LITERALLY see, hear or feel things, but I’m glad you felt the need to clarify. Clearly, the thought of using the imaginal realm makes this Stanford author a bit uncomfortable. 

Pisces allows Saturn to loosen its strict boundaries a bit, and this can bring in a compassion and an understanding of our deep connectedness, as we can more easily empathize with the experiences of others.

Astrologer Lynn Bell says, “Just as the fish in the Pisces constellation swim in opposite directions, Saturn in Pisces is ambivalent. Saturn asks us to enlarge and encompass more, but we can feel frightened when our boundaries lose solidity.” 

This is where we can preemptively put some grounding in the imaginal world, and actively utilize this same concept of thought experiments. We can let the imagination flow, carefully observe and bring back something that can become solidified in the material world when Saturn is in Pisces. 

One practice we can use here is called Timeline Jumping Meditations. This allows you to visualize a future version of yourself, based on a belief that we live in infinite timelines, with infinite versions of ourselves available to us. Spiritualist Pea the Faery is the developer of this method, and says it is a mix of internal discovery and imagination. 

“Part of [the practice's focus is about] clearing out space," Then it's about "receiving this version of yourself rather than trying to think them up.” This other version already exists, but you’re making yourself available to be found.”

Michelangelo, the Renaissance sculptor who created David, is said to have expressed: that there is a statue inside every block of marble, and it’s up to the sculptor to uncover it. Pea the faery says, “The beautiful masterpiece already exists, and what you’re doing every time you timeline jump is carving away at anything that’s not that.” 

I’ll link more information about Timeline Jumping in the description below if you want more details about it. Also, The story about Jost Winteler came in part from a book I am reading called, After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond by Bruce Greyson, M.D. If you are like me, and enjoy yourself some good near death experience information, I highly recommend this book. 

So mark your calendars for Saturn entering Pisces March 7, 2023, where it will remain until May of 2025, ending a major 29 year Saturn cycle around the zodiac that started when Saturn entered Aries, April of 1996. The last time Saturn was in Pisces was May 1993 until April 1996. 

I like you just the way you are, and I’ll talk to you next time. 

Excellent Near Death Experience Book After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond Bruce Greyson, M.D.

Einstein Stuff:'s%20work%20changed%20the%20way,papers%20covered%20in%20this%20guide.

Lynn Bell Astrology article Saturn in Pisces with timeline of historical Saturn in Pisces rundown:

Thought Experiments Stanford:

Saturn in Pisces Dates with Critical Outer Planet Cycles

Apr 13 - Aug 17, 1905, and Jan 8, 1906 - Mar 19, 1908

Saturn Trine Neptune, Neptune opposition Uranus - The first Russian Revolution pushed against autocratic rule. This corresponded to other confrontations between labor and capital and major discoveries in Physics.

Feb 14, 1935 - April 25, 1937

Saturn opposition Neptune - Ideologies of racial purity, fascism, communism, and socialism vied for prominence on the world stage. The U.S. ‘New Deal’ came into place, and mass shifts in population were set in motion by drought, floods, and civil war.

Mar 24 - Sep 16, 1964, and Dec 16, 1964 - Mar 3, 1967

Saturn opposition Pluto-Uranus – This period was marked by major social upheaval and pushback against systems that encode injustice, including racism, colonialism, and sexism. Echoes of this time are currently quite powerful.

May 21 - July 30, 1993, and Jan 29, 1994 - April 7, 1996

Uranus conjunct Neptune - Saturn gave form to the new electronic world where unification and annihilation arose in distinct parts of the world. Saturn was briefly in Pisces from May 21 to July 30, 1993, when the rare Uranus-Neptune conjunction was still within a degree of orb, then returned from January 29, 1994, to April 7, 1996.

The push to open borders was part of the process of globalization, more precisely symbolized by the rare 172-year conjunction of Uranus and Neptune. Those who championed the pairing of the two outer planets believed it would bring the world closer together in greater cooperation and prosperity. The U.S., Mexico, and Canada implemented the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and 26 European countries joined to establish open borders, known as the Schengen Area.

Over time, some people have looked more negatively at the idea of open borders, seeing the loss of jobs and the cost of outsourcing. The upcoming entry of Saturn in Pisces on March 7, 2023, is the Saturn Return of this period. As with all Saturn Returns, there is substantial sorting out to be done.

The 1993-96 passage also gave form to a new planetary nervous system, with email becoming widely available. New communication methods like email and internet-based discussion forums increased our ability to be connected, shaping a world we hadn’t fully imagined. It has largely shifted consciousness from embodied experience to communication outside physical boundaries.

Mar 7, 2023 - May 25, 2025, and Sept 1, 2025 - Feb 14, 2026

Saturn sextile Jupiter in Taurus - will turn our attention back to the physical world. This harmonious connection could facilitate steps toward greater compassion and a sense of responsibility toward global suffering. One of the most forward-thinking moments in this cycle comes in March-April 2024 when Jupiter sextiles Saturn and then Jupiter conjoins Uranus— always a peak innovation cycle.

Venus will join Saturn in Pisces from Mar 12 - Apr 4, 2024. In astrology, Venus is exalted in Pisces and Saturn in Libra. The movement of a Venus Star Point into Libra is a hopeful presage for this passage of Saturn in Pisces.



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