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Jupiter Cazimi in Aries is the Prologue to the Big World Changes in 2023-2024

You may be asking, what the heck is Jupiter Cazimi anyway? A Jupiter Cazimi Restarts something called the synodic cycle of Jupiter. What is a synodic cycle? It’s the time required for a body within the solar system, like Jupiter in this case, to return to the same position relative to the Sun, they meet up on the same degree on the wheel of the zodiac, and conjoin as one basically. 

When Jupiter reaches the apex point of the same degree of the sun, it is said to be in the heart of the sun, in the chariot of the king, it is infused with the power and energy of the sun. This cazimi of Jupiter happens in the sign of Aries where the sun is in its one and only exaltation, where sun is at its peak of power and glory. Jupiter in Aries historically has been tricky - themes of communism, economic struggles, and war, and we are seeing some very strange things going on in the world, with the Pluto in Aquarius/Capricorn dance revealing some truth bombs and overturning secrets, it seems like there will be more of that to come. But that is Jupiter under the beams and combust stuff. Jupiter Cazimi is a 72 hour period of respite. This is a period where you can reset a powerful optimism, and see things very clearly. 

Why is this important to know about? Because it is a reset, a new version of Jupiter energy that will flavor all things Jupiter until it meets the Sun again in May of 2024. This version of Jupiter from April 2023 until May of 2024 will be infused with the Jupiter in Aries energy happening now.  

Jupiter is the planet of abundance, optimism, luck, growth, expansion - Jupiter is the greater Benefic that brings good gifts, and I like to think of Jupiter as the deputy Sun or Sun Jr.  

Have you ever heard that Jupiter is a failed star? It’s one failure we need to be grateful for. According to Scientific American, "Jupiter is called a failed star because it is made of the same elements (hydrogen and helium) as is the Sun, but it is not massive enough to have the internal pressure and temperature necessary to cause hydrogen to fuse to helium, the energy source that powers the sun and most other stars.” If Jupiter had become a star, it would have made life on earth pretty impossible, and gravity would be a serious issue. 

Jupiter, instead of becoming a star, became a benevolent second in command, sun Jr., protecting earth from a huge array of asteroids and an overwhelming abundance of movies we would surely have if astroids hit earth more regularly,  in the vein of Armageddon, and Disney’s The Good Dinosaur, where the dinosaur killing asteroid somehow misses earth and dinosaurs evolve instead of humans, humans become dog-like pets for dinosaurs - good lord, who green lighted that movie? 

Some interesting things about this Jupiter Cazimi

Occurs on April 11, 2023 - and will flavor all things Jupiter in general until May of 2024. 

On the same day as the 2023 Jupiter Cazimi, Venus enters Gemini which brings in an infusion of artistic language, beautiful ability to communicate complex concepts, to argue a point with grace and balance, but also with a deep transformative depth. This comes from the exact trine Venus makes to Pluto at this same moment. Venus in gemini trine pluto is an open lane for deep cathartic artistic expression, especially in communicative arts - writing, speaking, etc.  

Jupiter cazimi occurs at 21 '45 Aries, putting it in the third decan of Aries, which is ruled by Venus. The image for this decan is the burning rose - Astrologer Austin Coppick calls this decan the place where we see the power of art to overcome hostility. This is a type of battlefield, but one that is soothed by a commonality of spirit that tames even the most hostile conditions. A dancer, a comedian, a singer, a gifted orator, can be the single rose aflame to ignite the hearts and minds of all. 

Which leads nicely to the sabian symbol for this Jupiter cazimi, 


KEYNOTE: Abundance made possible by human togetherness and cooperation.

From Rudhyar: Alone, a human being can barely survive in nature's great life drama; in organized groups humankind can in due time fulfill their desires. The abundant life is in theory open to all. At least this is the ideal, the great dream. 

We can look to gifted speakers, artists, singers, writers, or dancers, to inspire our own hearts and minds, into a place of camaraderie of spirit. 

Some of you may already know this from the discussion tab on this channel, but I just finished George Orwell's 1984 - first time reading it. I’ve wanted to read it for a long time, but had to get up the courage to go into some deep waters of what I knew the content of the book to be in general. So I got the audio book, and started listening to it on my way home from dropping off my kids at school. The main character, Winston, obtained a contraband diary, and if he is caught writing in it, he will be sentenced to death. He writes the date for his first entry -  April 4, 1984. 4-4-84. After years and years of putting off reading this book, the date for me to start 1984 was also April 4. 4-4-2023. The synchronicity sent a shiver down my spine. Of all the 365 days I could have chosen to start this book, I had to walk into April 4?? “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine”

So what is the point of bringing this up? Well one, it is to recommend the book if you haven’t read it. It’s a flat out masterpiece of writing, and with Pluto in Aquarius, I think there is no better time to be aware of a real worst case scenario event. This is a dystopia we don’t want, at all. This Jupiter Cazimi in Aries is a message to come together before it is too late, with inspiration, with art, with passion, with freedom. Venus trine pluto from Gemini to Aquarius gives us the deep connection to the words, the benefic transformation through communicating balance, love, beauty. That is powerful. 

Modern politics are designed to separate us, to serve the inner party people pulling the strings in our world, it is divisive and manipulative, when it should be simple and common sense based, to serve the masses. Despite the manipulation, we all have our own political views, and I respect that there are many different thoughts on what is right, and how things should be - and I actually love that there are so many individual views. We are all living one small astro mosaic perspective of a massive spectrum of life, that spectrum makes up the great bell curve of humanity, which in turn is the absolute truth (which I think is the integration of all duality). In order to have my own opinions, there has to be a corollary, an opposite must exist for my opinion to exist - and both are actually right, and both are wrong. How’s that for doublethink? 

But truthfully, the only wrong thing, in my view, is not respecting an alternative narrative or truth. We don’t need to adopt it. We are still allowed to disagree. There is no need to homogenize humanity. We should have different opinions and ideas, different loves, likes, dislikes, etc., sometimes I listen to the music my son listens to, and I know I’m getting old, because I just don’t get it…and that’s ok! because that is what drives progress, art, and friction - and friction leads to heat, to passion, to a burning rose, to new ideas. When you look at the dystopia of 1984, that is what has been removed. Opinions, independent thoughts, freedom to love what and whom you please, to like the music your parents think is total noise. The spectrum of human expression is reduced so dramatically when we lose those things, that life becomes personally pointless - life becomes lifeless. 

ON that upbeat note, we still have a beautiful world to live in, we have not yet gone too far down the path of no return. Jupiter Cazimi 2023 is asking us to wake up to the fire, the beauty, the passion, the inspiration of art - made by fellow humans, or your own art - your writing, your crafting, your dancing, your singing, your painting - it can inspire other hearts and minds, and ignite the rose to fire. 

I like you just the way you are. I’ll talk to you next time. 


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