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The Game is Afoot - Getting Acquainted with the 2023 Changes (Libra Full Moon)

Relational balance and harmonics require some sort of sacrifice. When you are singing with other people, and if you are trying not to get tomatoes thrown at you, you need to play your part, fall into a harmony, not boldly do your own individual thing in whatever key or note you want. That sounds bad most of the time. Not balanced. Same goes for relationships - there is some requirement of balance between the I am and we are, in order to harmonize. You may have noticed that the image representing libra is a set of scales. This is the ONLY zodiac sign represented by an inanimate object, and isn't it interesting that Libra is the sign that is most generally representative of relationships? There is something more here, and the full moon in Libra tells us so. There is an impartiality of libra, a type of underlying rationalism, and the fact that Saturn, the great master of time, is exalted in libra, goes to show that it is not all touchy feely, you know? On the other end of every Libra full moon is the sun opposing in its exaltation, in Aries, bold and shining forth in all the I am ness possible. Libra moon reflects back all that I am and says let’s balance some of that out a bit, shall we? 

In March of 2023 we had major astrological moves that are the start of massive change in our world. Mars came out of 8ish tediously slow moving months in the whip-fast sign of Gemini, when Mars usually spends only 2 months in a sign zipping through. Mars finds itself in the motherland of Cancer, the healing waters until May of 2023. In Cancer, technically Mars is in its fall (exalted in business time oriented Capricorn), and this may bring some sensitivity, some emotional roller coasters, a protective energy, potential to lash out based on emotional pressure points. It may be a time to cut ties with old outdated emotionally draining relationships or feelings related to people in your past, your family, or close friends. 

Saturn is firmly in Pisces now for the next two years, slowly drying up some of that wetness, collecting the distilled and crystallized meaningful information, bringing some reality to the land of imagination and illusion. 

Pluto has taken its first baby toe dip into a whole new Aquarian landscape, part of its 18 month labor until final delivery in the sign of humanitarianism and progressive ideology of Aquarius. 

In April we are getting used to these new waters – are you feeling it? 

There are big changes - the game is afoot! 

Sidebar - The game is afoot - this saying first appeared over 500 years ago when Shakespeare made it up. It means that something is beginning, something has started, or a challenge has begun. It is used to imply that something is starting to get exciting and interesting.

In a literal sense, game refers to wild game, or animals you hunt. The phrase could be used to say the hunt is on the move, or the animals are running.

The proverbial animals are running, and when the earth shakes, when the rains pour, it can be really impractical to keep trying to bury our collective heads in the sand like an ostrich. No offense to ostriches, but you guys just really aren't the type of brilliant role models we need right now, I mean your brain is significantly disproportionately small with regards to your enormous body. 

The full moon of Libra in 2023 has some interesting features. 

  1. The sun, exalted in Aries, is within 1 degree of conjunction with Chiron, the wounded healer. If you are feeling a bit less bold right now, that may be why. Chiron could bring out a latent fear of self expressing, less willpower, repressed creativity, and that is being reflected by the Libra full moon. Libra full moon encourages us to heal these areas of our life, resolve those feelings of insecurity through active communication, and balance. 

  1. The sabian symbols for the opposition are symbolic images that I translate as a changing of the guard. The moon is at the symbol Libra 17,


There is a life that has been fully lived, in all the dangers of the stormy, or unpredictable sea, the stories this person must have, in a place in life where that is no longer their reality. They are the watcher now, of other captains and other boats going out to sea, and this captain may wish to return to that place of the past, where they were master of the ship and sailor of the vast waters. It is no longer that time, and there may be frustration. This speaks to a necessity of needing some reflection, calm understanding that time goes by, and things change - it is inevitable. Part of us is being asked to be a spectator here, watching carefully what kind of sea is out there, and using the wisdom of a retired captain to help us navigate our own new symbolic waters with the changes we are going to face as the world is changing. 

The sun is at the symbol aries 17, which is two dignified spinsters sitting in silence. I am going to modernize this right now, because spinster is not a dignified enough word to describe females that are self contained. Two independent elder-women sit in noble silence. L Natale™ 

Rudyar says in A Reformulation of the Sabian Symbols, the keynote for this symbol is: the ability to transform a natural lack of potency into poise and inner serenity. 

That is outdated and requires further Reformulation. There is nothing impotent about a woman choosing not to partner through marriage or have children, so even in this symbol, we are seeing a need for revision, newness, and refreshing the narrative. 

But also a changing of things, while elders with lived lives look on with a wisdom that also may no longer be relevant as things change, the world is changing and we are going to see that drastically in the next few years as we are birthed into a new revolutionary period. 

For this full moon, we can access the older version of ourselves, put the outdated parts into retirement, as newness is birthed out of a type of chaos, with unclear results at this time. 

The full moon is symbolic of a time of reflection, a clear view, a bold stance of illumination. Let this newness mingle with your mind. 

We are watchers of the boats, we are sitting in noble silence, awaiting, looking inward and preparing for new waters to navigate, pulling heads out of the sand, and at the ready for the game is afoot. 


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