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Things are never going to be the same again: Aries Solar Eclipse 2023


Everything you need to know about the upcoming solar eclipse in Aries marking a massive turning point in our world, will be laid out in full for you here. 

Because this is such an important eclipse to understand, I invited Antoinette MacKenzie of Pomegranate Astrology to join me. Antoinette is the astrologer I consult with personally, and I recently experienced her specialty bone mother Saturn in Pisces reading which was next level. Besides being an incredible Hellenistic astrologer, she has degrees in literature, history, and philosophy, including a PhD in Literature. She’s taught Literature and History at university level, and has had a lifelong love of myth, poetry and fairytales. All of these elements feed her incredible astrological practice. 

I’m honored to have her with me to talk about all the things we must understand about the first solar eclipse in Aries. 

1. Why are eclipses important in astrology? What do they mean?

  • They are the markers of major beginnings and endings in our lives and in our world, and they are thematically important in a broad sense of the meaning of what the focus will be of the period of time.

  • This is a rare Hybrid Eclipse 

    • The last hybrid eclipse happened almost ten years ago, on November 3, 2013; the next one is expected to occur in November 2031.

    • The reason why hybrid solar eclipses are comparatively rare—they happen roughly once per decade—is that both the Moon's and the Sun's distance to Earth have to be just right.

    • Hybrid solar eclipses involve all three areas of the Moon's shadow and combine all three types of solar eclipses.

      • Because Earth's surface is curved, sometimes an eclipse can shift between annular and total as the Moon’s shadow moves across the globe. This is called a hybrid solar eclipse.

2. What is special about this particular eclipse? Being a rare hybrid eclipse astronomically, this indicates a major transition symbolically. 

  • Second new moon in a row in Aries

    • How often does that happen to have two new moons in the same sign?

    • What does it mean to have a double new moon in Aries in particular? The focus is definitely on this sign of new frontiers, challenges, bravery, etc. 

      • Aries is symbolic of beginnings - I often relate it to the big bang 

        • This is a great energy, with a lot of potential, but it can also be destructive or dangerous

  • The changing of the signs, 2023 midpoint between node transition from Taurus and Scorpio to Aries and Libra, which will be until 2025. 

    • Last time the North Node eclipses happened in Aries was 18 years ago

    • Jan 27, 1949 – Jul 26, 1950

    • Aug 20, 1967 – Apr 19, 1969

    • Apr 7, 1986 – Dec 2, 1987

    • Dec 27, 2004 – Jun 22, 2006

    • July 18, 2023 –January 11, 2025

  • The interesting things to note about this eclipse: astrological

    • aspects 

      • Moon and sun enter taurus, which leads to Moon then sun squaring pluto exactly later in the day

        • Out of sign square to Pluto, which means they are within a degree of each other, but in different signs. A few hours later, the moon, then the sun, exactly square Pluto from Taurus. 

          • Important to watch because this is one of the first several aspects of planets to Pluto in it’s preview placement of Aquarius, so we are getting some clues as to how it will affect the story once it finally lands in Aquarius in 2024

    • rulership and condition of the ruler (mars in fall in cancer)

      • Emotions may be running higher, feelings of protection, a desire to stand up for your family, your motherland, your rights, fighting for the past, desire to go back to the past

      • Mars ruling this eclipse can be emblematic of great sacrifice, like a maternal sacrifice, or even martyr energy. 

    • Put these things together - 

      • Mars in Cancer, Eclipse Square pluto 

        • Potential for active and profound change, new ideas, passion projects, forward motion based on past ideals, could bring up fears for the way society is going and some humanitarian concerns especially in the motherland, the homeland, powerful home grown resistance or instigators for positive change

        • Some high emotions, feeling defensive, feelings of betrayal, wanting to retreat or lash out, or both at the same time, emotionally.

        • PLuto tricks - hiding what is really going on by manipulating your emotions and emotional reactions, hiding or revealing secrets, lies and control behind the scenes covered up like a red herring

  • Sun/Moon/Pluto Combination

    • Renn Butler from The Astrological Universe

      • Intense and primal nature, feelings of empowerment and potential capacity for profound emotional and physical healing, whole hearted efforts to transform one’s self

      • A proneness to driving obsessions and compulsions, ongoing emotional reactivity, determined attempts to change others rather than one’s self. 

        • This shadow side goes back to the Jupiter Cazimi conversation about making space for respecting different opinions with grace, not letting them separate us, which decreases our power. Opinions are sometimes treated as absolute truths, and when people are not flexible with their perspectives, that rigidity or fear of being uncertain, opens the potential for destruction. 

        • We should practice getting comfortable with dissenting views and opinions, and non-reactionary responses. 

        • Preaching to the choir does not bring change, and it doesn’t promote diversity or tolerance. 

  • degree marker (sabian symbol, maybe also the decans symbology)

    • Anoretic Degree of Aries 

      • What is anoretic degree and why is that relevant in this eclipse?

      • Anoretic degree is one of closure, 2023-2025 are pivotal years, the beginning of the whole new world

      • We are being called in this degree to gather up the gold of aries, which comes at the end of an aries experience, but since the nodes move backwards, or retrograde, we get the message of what gifts we are going to need to focus on in order to make it through these years most productively. 

        • These are the gifts of passion, confidence, courage, strength, independence, self awareness, being active, and fearless. 

        • What we must try to minimize is being impulsive, self-centered, aggressive, combative, overzealous, temperamental, and overpowering in a belligerent way. 

    • Sabian symbol aries 30 : A duck pond and its brood

      • The idea is keeping your feet on the ground, the zen buddhist concept of the monk who would chop wood, carry water, which then became enlightened, and what does he do now? Chop wood, carry water. This is a metaphor for experiencing spirituality in daily life, seeing that everything around us is sacred, even the most simple things are actually miracles. 

3. What could it mean for people personally?

  • what eclipses mean generally for people, things that may come up, feelings, experiences

    • Some high emotions, feeling defensive, feelings of betrayal, wanting to retreat or lash out, or both at the same time, emotionally 

                              - ways to best work with this eclipse experience 

4. What could it mean for the world - 

  • Potential for major economic changes coming, especially with the news finally picking up the de-dolarization efforts of the wider world, to change the reserve currency from American dollars, and remove the petrodollar agreement America had with Saudi Arabia, there is a major change coming in the real estate market due to an imbalance created by massive investment groups like Black Stone, which made it nearly impossible for average people to afford a home in most of America, world wide this could be the indicator of more bank failures, and the introduction of CBDC - centralized bank digital currency, and the end of paper or coin fiat, and ultimately I think we are going to be going into a very challenging time in the world as the bottom line of the industrial global war complex is placed in front of the needs of the people. 

5. Closing thoughts 

  • I'm secretly glad it's a total solar eclipse rather than a total lunar one. …why, Antoinette??


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