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Mercury Cazimi - July 2023

Hey, guess what? There is a powerful Mercury Cazimi happening July 1/2, with a ton of support from some of the biggest archetypal players in the solar system - Jupiter and Saturn. Putting the pieces together - I have three important things you will need to know to understand this Mercury Cazimi, and make the most out of its potential wisdom and the action it could bring into your life. 

Point number one - Mercury Cazimi in Cancer

Quickly, what is a Mercury Cazimi? It is when Mercury and the Sun inhabit the exact same degree and sign in the sky. Why is it significant? It happens about five times a year, and the mercury cazimi moments can be openings for deep clarity and insight. It’s basically like a power up - the image that comes to mind is from the classic super Mario game, when Mario would get a mushroom and multiply in size. Any cazimi is like a new moon type of energy. In this case it is for mercury things, which is seeding some inspired wisdom and thoughts into this period of time until the next Mercury Cazimi which will be in Early September 2023. 

So this information will inform communication, self expression of the mind scape, ways of thinking, and how these things connect with others for you for about two months. 

Let’s start out with some layering - the degree of the cazimi in metaphor, sabian symbol soup:

Sun mercury cazimi degree


This is a really interesting image, that feels very of the moment - it seems to me that we are on the precipice of a lot of change in our lives, this is on a global and potentially a personal scale. I love the metaphor of an uncut diamond for the soul journeying through a succession of human incarnations. Each time it takes a ride in an earth boy ship, another facset of the uncut diamond of consciousness and understanding gets polished through friction, and action of that lifetime. When we take this cazimi at a personal level, what part of you is at the beginning of a very big transformation? What kinds of experiences are coming at you that may feel uncomfortable in a sense, or unfamiliar, that are part of your journey to getting a smoother finish? 

There are sacrifices needing to be made or something you need to do - a risk you need to take, releasing your grip on some potential comforts that keep you locked in place,  in order to get closer to the ideal version of your life story. Gotta break some eggs to make an omelet, ya know? 

So with this being at the beginning of the process of a large diamond being cut, we know that this is a long and arduous process, and some skill is involved in order to not destroy this precious raw stone - some care and consideration is in order. Craftsmanship, good teachers, grinding to get something done, communicated, and into the world, that is very near and dear to your heart emotionally - that is where the cancer element comes in - listening deeply to intuition, tuning into instincts, and honoring the emotional journey that can sometimes be painful, but leads to something beautiful when you ‘turn the jewel” as my old astrology teacher likes to say. 

So sounds like we could use some help with discipline and getting through tough times? Well we are in luck because point number two:

Saturn, the planet of responsibility, restriction, organization, and mastery is heavily influencing and supporting this cazimi big time, so this brings a very positive element of structure to this period of time. 

On June 29 and June 30th respectively, the sun and then mercury, the two main characters of the cazimi coming at us, take turns meeting up in a trine with Saturn in Pisces. What does this mean? Well a trine is the very most supportive energy.

 I imagine trines as the kind of support you would get from your ride or die people, whether that’s family, or friends, whatever - this is the no questions asked, I’ve got you type of aspect. Trine.

This trine is happening from Saturn to the Sun and then Mercury from the water signs - Pisces and Cancer, so there are a lot of emotional undercurrents going on - with it being a trine, this is a supportive emotional connection. 

Thinking about Saturn, the boundary maker, planet of contraction, effort and Mastery, traveling through imaginative and spiritual pisces, which I also see as the outer and inner space infinite landscape where it can get a bit lost or confused, there is an opportunity for great CLEAR imaginative solutions coming through, messages and signs, that you need to hear, things that you need to see, that will be supportive to the area of your life that is managed by cancer

Mercury/Sun cazimi happening  in cancer. What could that mean? Possibly thinking about the past, nostalgia, home, mother or mothering stuff, the motherland, family, family history, and the connection to your inner guide, or your intuition. 

What can you do to become more in tune with your inner voice, what is your intuition telling you? 

What soul yearnings are you having, and what can you do to move towards fulfilling those desires with concentrated effort? 

The key here is an ability to put some disciplined effort, get organized, and be reliable in an imaginative and even more spiritual way. I don’t necessarily mean you need some organized religious experience, but that may be it for you - I don’t know - but more generally, it is an opportunity to look into some deep places emotionally, since this is two of the three water worlds meeting up that we are talking about - and bring in some healing compassion, potentially releasing something that you have been carrying around for a long time. This could have to do with reclaiming some type of powerful sensitivity, engaging or initiating some form of self nurturing, exploring the possibility of forgiveness, and being more compassionate for the ones who may have hurt you in some way. 

This looking back situation can be amplified by the fact that Saturn is in retrograde motion, which simply means Saturn appears to be going backwards in the sky when observed from planet earth, 

So that brings in an element of  rethinking things, reevaluating, restructuring and recalibrating this emotional or spiritual element of your life. 

This could also be an indicator for deep work on a passion project, something you are doing that feeds your soul, regardless of what or how it is received by the world. Are you writing a book? Making an album? Wanting to feel your body move in expressive dance? Building a house? Planning to walk the pacific crest trail or something? Whatever it is you are into - it could be a million things - you know your thing - this is a time to listen to your intuition and potentially move towards bringing whatever dream this is into your reality. 

This can be done with some meditative practices, or just being in a quiet place in your mind on a walk in nature. 

Personally I have been on a Saturn in Pisces bindle passion project quest, which is my first collection of Poetry that I will be publishing soon. It’s something I have dreamed of doing since I was a kid, and the time feels right to make dreams come true in the real world with this mercury cazimi / Saturn flow coming through. 

The sabian symbol analysis:  Saturn Degree - the ride or die support is coming from a drive for a summoning to a rebirth


KEYNOTE: A call to participation in the service of the race, as an evolutionary crisis approaches.

At first this one seems a bit odd, because probably the word bugle - it’s a weird word. Maybe trumpet or horn is better? I don’t know, anyways, this is symbolic in many ways of a calling out, sounding a type of alarm, but more than that, it is a call to the collective for collaboration, for the spiritual gangsters perhaps being called to gather. 

Here’s what Dane Rudhyar said: 

In traditional symbolism the woman refers more specifically to the biological and psychic aspect of human life; she is seen primarily as the mother, and/or the intuitive or "psychic" type of person. A new race of human beings may well be slowly unfolding some of its potential of consciousness and fulfillment. The individual who envisions this evolutionary development "sounds the call." He or she is both seer-herald and mutant. In that sense such a human being is both an individual true to his original nature and a dedicated person — dedicated to the future he or she holds in latency as does a seed in mutation.

Hmm, that sounds like the XMen mutant story - they didn’t really have it easy, being different, and harbingers of change -  but they were the bugle sounders, the canary in the coal mines, or a need for a paradigm shift. Don’t hold me to that analogy - my Xmen knowledge is pretty limited to the movie franchise - but it seems like it could track. 

From James Burgess of the Sabian Mysteries says, 

“Always there is something new on its way, always a group must adapt to that, and always there are the first intuitive people to sense the coming changes. They blow their bugles even though few will want to listen to the herald-sound of the future.”

Very true. 

So ask yourself, what is the message you are hearing? What are you observing, and what changes need to be made? This can be on all types of scales - from the global, to the local, to the hyper personal. 

There is an alarm going off inside, and this is supporting your forward movement. You may be getting up the nerve to say or do something you didn’t feel solid enough to do before, you may be ready to walk your talk, or something like that. 

Point number 3 - More supportive action, and this time it’s from Jupiter

The bounty, the opportunity and the benefits for this Mercury Cazimi are coming from optimistic Jupiter in taurus, *astro talk, it is in an exact sextile, which is a lovely Venus like energy of support* The sextile is the other easy aspect in astrology - it is not as strong of a supportive energy as the ride or die trine, but I think of sextiles as a very stimulating friend that inspires you, can bring something interesting into your life, but it’s not going to give you the shirt off its back just because you need it. It’s a more limited intimacy.  

Stimulating grace, and a larger order is coming through in a very physical way. I’m thinking through the body, through the senses, through nature, healing the inner self through an interaction with the beauty of the earth, music, a massage, loving and touching your person, an incredible meal, a vacation - something like that - to reset your mind in some way. This is also part of nurturing your body as well - what are you eating and putting in your system? Are you even paying attention to your sensual self in all forms? Jupiter is the expander, it indicates a maximizing of this energy to stimulate an optimistic state of mind. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so this brings in the artistic element, monetary and wealth stuff, and also allows you to be looking deeply at your personal values - what do you value? How can you use this optimism to influence others, and share your message in a way that doesn’t polarize but brings people together for a greater good? What faith do you need in your own process, trusting yourself, being confident in your life and finding ways to move towards your ideals. 

Putting that together with what we already said about the cazimi and Saturn aspecting, there could be some stimulating grounding in the physical world, in values, in sensuality, to be creative, share your thoughts or message, create the passion project, or even go into some new phase of personal freedom from the past.  

Let’s look at the sabian symbol for Jupiter, which is where the optimistic stimulation comes from through this degree: 


The raising of love from the personal level to the level of sacredness in service

"Compassionate service"

Rudhyar says: 

This symbol reveals the feeling of human cooperation at the stage of pure altruism and service to the social Whole. On that foundation of agape, or true companionship, man can reach a still higher level of experience made possible by the refinement of the substance of being, consciousness and  will. This goes beyond imagination and faith in the future -- for it implies going into the dark to bring life and love to the tormented and the deprived.

And Burgess says: 

It is only through the surrender of self-importance that we can truly realize the importance of self. A mystery reveals itself to us as we serve others – the hidden truth of who we are, and what really matters to us.

Yet truly, for its own sake, the loving heart seeks opportunities to care for others with a steady, constant concern; rewards and success are secondary issues.

That’s pretty beautiful. 

In experiences of service to others, you may find that you are getting the most benefit from the deal. I certainly felt that way with my work with the children I was working with recently, who had some severe nuerodiverse and physical needs. Interacting with them, brought me to a place of personal humility, and gratitude that I would have never gotten to without them - so in helping them, I was really helping myself on a significant personal growth level. 

Bonus Section - 

If you are still here, I thank you kindly for being such a kind supporter of this content, and because you are awesome, here is a bonus for the Cazimi -

All of this, Saturn, Jupiter, the cazimi - all lead up to a very significant lunation - the full moon in Capricorn. This full moon is ruled by Saturn, which is still greatly supporting the sun, and stimulating the moon, and Jupiter is pumping up the moon with ride or die trine support - so whatever you have coming through this cazimi portal will be amplified by the full moon on July 3rd, 2023. In a nutshell, whatever you have been contemplating or working through during the ramp up to the full moon, may be more fully clear or illuminated around this time. 

You know what? I like you just the way you are, and I hope you have a wonderful week. 


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