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Aquarius full moon 2023

You know that saying, once in a blue moon, well this month you are in that once…In August 2023, we get not only one but two full moons, (the term Blue Moon is most commonly used when we have two full Moons in a single month) and these two full moons are SUPER Moons, which means they are indeed super. 

Let’s talk percentages, shall we? According to Farmer’s Almanac, “A supermoon exceeds the disk size of an average-sized Moon by up to 8% and the brightness of an average-sized full Moon by some 16%.” So yes, that big ol super moon will look bigger and brighter during these full moons because it is the closest to Earth as it gets during this period. 

August’s first full Moon will appear on the afternoon of Tuesday, August 1, reaching peak illumination at 2:32 P.M. Eastern Time. That evening, look toward the southeast after sunset to catch a glimpse of this first full moon. 

The blue moon happens on Wednesday, August 30, and will peak at  9:36 P.M. EST

Now that second full moon, the blue moon, we will talk about that later, but for a sneak preview, check this out - the blue moon occurs during a retrograde extravaganza - Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron - can’t leave him out, it hurts his feelings -, and the lunar nodes, but they always move retrograde, so they don’t really count in this case, are all moving retrograde - so dang if this isn’t a time for reflection on a massive scale later in the month. 

Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, because we want to live in the moment mostly, right? Astrology is great because it can give you a thematic archetypical heads up so to speak, and we can make use of this information to collaboratively co-create our lives with whatever is going on in the sky. 

For now let’s put the blue moon to the side, an focus on the full moon on August 1. Let’s see what we can decode in order to understand what theme is coming through. 

August 1, 2023, full moon in Aquarius. Whenever there is a full moon, the moon is in one sign, and the sun is on the opposite end of the polarity. When the full moon is in Aquarius, the Sun is in its home turf of Leo, where it’s very powerful. 

The full moon, no matter what sign it is in, is an opposition aspect from the sun to the moon, that’s why the whole moon is lit up, right? But unlike other opposition aspects in astrology, which indicate tension, tug of war between two opposing factors, the moon is reflecting the sun, taking on its full power to illuminate the other side, bringing a balance of integration of the duality. It’s an ouroboros kind of moment, where the circle is completed, and something deeper can be understood in balance. 

The polarity of Leo to Aquarius is an interesting one to look deeper at, so let’s look deeper. 

Aquarius is fixed air and Leo is fixed fire - what does that even mean? Quickly, all twelve signs are broken into three different modalities, cardinal, fixed, and mutable. The fixed gang happens to be Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. This group of signs has an underlying desire for stabilizing security. Aquarius is one of stabilizing security in the mental and social realm, and Leo is stabilizing security in identity. So this full moon brings in an  overall feeling of expressive, out-breath energy, consciously stabilizing security, persistence, endurance, finishing something that has to do with your mental expression, or identity principle  

So overall, this full moon is about balancing your personal expression  -  your need to be appreciated as an individual - with a greater collective expression, while embracing your individuality and innovation. 

The Moon in Aquarius, has a more detached, independent perspective for the emotions, getting real about the situation, seeing through the illusions. One basic principle of the Aquarius archetype is a rational perspective, an ability to see the bigger picture when others just see the dots that make up the picture. 

Remember those images that were all the rage in the 90s - called the Magic eye - where you had to let your eyes unfocus in order to see the hidden 3d image within the picture? A person with a lot of Aquarius energy probably discovered that, and that’s the genius of Aquarius, able to see the patterns within the seemingly abstract. 

The moon is at 9 degrees 15 Aquaruis, which is Aquarius 10 Sabian symbol: 

Aquarius 10 (9° - 10°)


Our ideals are projected onto celebrities, but underneath the glamour, the person is only yet another imperfect person

"Rejecting the illusion of fame and fortune"

From James Burgess:

We are people and we need to be in touch with our vulnerabilities and faults. It is important occasionally to look again at what we have become and who we really are.

16th-century philosopher Michel de Montaigne said, “Fame and Tranquility can never be bedfellows” in his essay “On Solitude” and he is exploring this popular theme that there are moral dangers in living amongst others, that there is value in solitude. Now, ask anybody with Aquarius sun, moon, rising, stellium, etc., about their need for solitude, most likely you will find that it is a value they appreciate. Now this is not just physical solitude, but obviously, it can be - Henry David Thoreau, writer of On Walden Pond, and an Aquarius Rising is known as one of the most ardent proponents of physical solitude.

But this is also the concept of an ability to resist the temptation to mindlessly fall in with the opinion and actions of the mob. 

Montaigne believes that humans are overly attached to material wealth and possessions and that those passions diminish us. The point is to not relinquish either thing but to cultivate detachment from them. Enjoy them, benefit from them, help others with them, but don’t be emotionally enslaved to them. 

I always find it interesting that the Aquarius archetype has so much inherent duality built into it - individuality but also community, the humanitarian focus on the greater whole while being a maverick of originality. Complicated. Interesting. Very Aquarius. 

The Aquarius degree the moon is resting on for the full moon is pointing out that there is a type of detachment that’s healthy and wise, and it’s available now to contemplate. 

The sun is projecting a Leo light onto the moon, so that expressive part of you has a great outlet, but this is a reminder to stay humble, and not be attached to results. 

Find strength in the solitude of your mind to not take other opinions to heart, keep doing your thing, regardless of the response of the collective, because that is fickle, and changes like the moon itself. This is a practice of not being overly attached to the good or the bad responses you get in life. 

Now you may know the archetype of Leo is the leader, the epitome of courage, a real Gryffindor if you know what I mean…but the thing that people may not understand about Leo is connected to that Harry Potter metaphor because the bravery of the harry potter gang is not really evident until they are confronted in a rather extreme way by a nose-challenged dude. 

When I read charts for people with a lot of Leo energy, they have the potential to be great leaders, presenters, performers, self-expressive creatives, charismatic kings, and queens, but they have to go on a Gryffindor-esque journey to get there. 

That golden Lion inside is hidden beneath layers of self-doubt, and fear. We all have a part of our lives ruled by Leo, so looking into where that falls in your own chart will be helpful to understand where this courageous outward expression is being required and spotlighted in your own life.

Being the center of attention comes with some costs, and facing anxieties inherent in expression is where true courage is gained. That’s where this Aquarius moon power comes in of detachment. It’s much easier to say than do, believe me, I know, but when you are detached from particular results, opinions, or feedback, you have a lot more freedom to do your thing. 

Sun comes in at 9 15 Leo, Sabian Symbol degree Leo 10, and I love this one. 



Reformulation of self into a better, lighter expression of being

"Developing a sparkling expression of self"

James Burgess: The darkness of a cold night is symbolic of our troubles and suffering, yet a new day always dawns bringing hope and fortifying the spirit. 


There is a new day opportunity, a refresh on your self-expression, on embracing your own unique self, and allowing it to shine out. 

When you have a strong foundation in yourself and are not plagued with the fear of judgment, or riddled with anxiety, then you’re able to move on to the next step of your evolution, into a place where you can radiate your spirit, help others, and most of all reach towards your ideal personal expression available in this lifetime. 

This full moon is about blending the power of Leo - creativity, light, boldness, warmth, courage - with the fortitude of Aquarius - independence, innovation, detachment 

Now let's add in some spice. 

ON this full moon day, Mars and Jupiter happen to be in a supportive trine. 

Remember the trine aspect is what I call the ride-or-die aspect - this is analogous to the person in your life that has your back no matter what, no questions asked, even at three in the morning. YOu need a loan, trine aspect has got the money in hand before the end of your sentence, kind of thing. Mars, the planet of action, the representative of your ability to assert yourself based on your personal desire, is getting support from benefic Jupiter which represents a search for meaning, truth, optimism, and ethics. 

Both of these planets are in earth signs, Mars in virgo, Jupiter in taurus, so this indicates something practical, and potentially material. For some people, this will be a very good aspect of business activities and decision-making. 

Interestingly….MORE SPICE… this cool trine between Mars and Jupiter is getting a bit of input from this full moon because Jupiter is squaring up with the sun and moon, which is a frictional or dynamic tension aspect. 

Where I see this coming in is the Jupiter shadow desire for overinflation, self-aggrandizement, excess, etc. So the full moon is saying, hey, be cool, don’t get attached to opinions or adoration of others, and do your thing without needing the approval of the adoring crowd, because there is a new dawn, a glorious expression of yourself that is not dependent on anything or anyone, 

This squaring Jupiter energy coming from Taurus could challenge that - someone, perhaps yourself is desiring to get credit, and more attention, which is hit with a reality check of the Aquarius full moon. There could be a disruption in the materials you need for something or some potential issue with funding potentially for some people. 

One more thing to think about: the sun is copresent Venus rx, coming into a cazimi on August 13. This is when Venus is going to be supercharged, in the chariot of the Ruler, and highly powerful. I have talked a bit about this Venus in Leo as a very big opportunity for creative outward expression, especially in the arts, relationships, your social circles, in your self-expression whatever that may be - you know what it is for you - reforming your ideas and beliefs about this area of your life. 

What’s the takeaway here? Let’s go back to Montaigne for a minute - he says, those who chase glory as a desirable goal “only have their arms and legs out of the crowd; their souls, and their wills, are more engaged with it than ever.”

In a nutshell, he is saying that we should not always think of other people's approval and admiration as being valuable. I know, easier said than done. Most humans like a good bit of glory, but when we attach our worth to the opinions and actions of others, then we lose our own sovereign power. Aquarius, baby, is all about using that sovereign power in order to forward the collective - not an oxymoron, just complicated. 

I like you just the way you are 

Aquarius full moon 2023

You know that saying, once in a blue moon, well this month you are in that once…In August 2023, we get not only one but two full moons, (the term Blue Moon is most commonly used when we have two full Moons in a single month) and these two full moons are SUPER Moons, which means they are indeed super. 

Let’s talk percentages, shall we? According to Farmer’s Almanac, “A supermoon exceeds the disk size of an average-sized Moon by up to 8% and the brightness of an average-sized full Moon by some 16%.” So yes, that big ol super moon will look bigger and brighter during these full moons because it is the closest to Earth as it gets during this period. 

August’s first full Moon will appear on the afternoon of Tuesday, August 1, reaching peak illumination at 2:32 P.M. Eastern Time. That evening, look toward the southeast after sunset to catch a glimpse of this first full moon. 

The blue moon happens on Wednesday, August 30, and will peak at  9:36 P.M. EST

Now that second full moon, the blue moon, we will talk about that later, but for a sneak preview, check this out - the blue moon occurs during a retrograde extravaganza - Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron - can’t leave him out, it hurts his feelings -, and the lunar nodes, but they always move retrograde, so they don’t really count in this case, are all moving retrograde - so dang if this isn’t a time for reflection on a massive scale later in the month. 

Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, because we want to live in the moment mostly, right? Astrology is great because it can give you a thematic archetypical heads up so to speak, and we can make use of this information to collaboratively co-create our lives with whatever is going on in the sky. 

For now let’s put the blue moon to the side, an focus on the full moon on August 1. Let’s see what we can decode in order to understand what theme is coming through. 

August 1, 2023, full moon in Aquarius. Whenever there is a full moon, the moon is in one sign, and the sun is on the opposite end of the polarity. When the full moon is in Aquarius, the Sun is in its home turf of Leo, where it’s very powerful. 

The full moon, no matter what sign it is in, is an opposition aspect from the sun to the moon, that’s why the whole moon is lit up, right? But unlike other opposition aspects in astrology, which indicate tension, tug of war between two opposing factors, the moon is reflecting the sun, taking on its full power to illuminate the other side, bringing a balance of integration of the duality. It’s an ouroboros kind of moment, where the circle is completed, and something deeper can be understood in balance. 

The polarity of Leo to Aquarius is an interesting one to look deeper at, so let’s look deeper. 

Aquarius is fixed air and Leo is fixed fire - what does that even mean? Quickly, all twelve signs are broken into three different modalities, cardinal, fixed, and mutable. The fixed gang happens to be Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. This group of signs has an underlying desire for stabilizing security. Aquarius is one of stabilizing security in the mental and social realm, and Leo is stabilizing security in identity. So this full moon brings in an  overall feeling of expressive, out-breath energy, consciously stabilizing security, persistence, endurance, finishing something that has to do with your mental expression, or identity principle  

So overall, this full moon is about balancing your personal expression  -  your need to be appreciated as an individual - with a greater collective expression, while embracing your individuality and innovation. 

The Moon in Aquarius, has a more detached, independent perspective for the emotions, getting real about the situation, seeing through the illusions. One basic principle of the Aquarius archetype is a rational perspective, an ability to see the bigger picture when others just see the dots that make up the picture. 

Remember those images that were all the rage in the 90s - called the Magic eye - where you had to let your eyes unfocus in order to see the hidden 3d image within the picture? A person with a lot of Aquarius energy probably discovered that, and that’s the genius of Aquarius, able to see the patterns within the seemingly abstract. 

The moon is at 9 degrees 15 Aquaruis, which is Aquarius 10 Sabian symbol: 

Aquarius 10 (9° - 10°)


Our ideals are projected onto celebrities, but underneath the glamour, the person is only yet another imperfect person

"Rejecting the illusion of fame and fortune"

From James Burgess:

We are people and we need to be in touch with our vulnerabilities and faults. It is important occasionally to look again at what we have become and who we really are.

16th-century philosopher Michel de Montaigne said, “Fame and Tranquility can never be bedfellows” in his essay “On Solitude” and he is exploring this popular theme that there are moral dangers in living amongst others, that there is value in solitude. Now, ask anybody with Aquarius sun, moon, rising, stellium, etc., about their need for solitude, most likely you will find that it is a value they appreciate. Now this is not just physical solitude, but obviously, it can be - Henry David Thoreau, writer of On Walden Pond, and an Aquarius Rising is known as one of the most ardent proponents of physical solitude.

But this is also the concept of an ability to resist the temptation to mindlessly fall in with the opinion and actions of the mob. 

Montaigne believes that humans are overly attached to material wealth and possessions and that those passions diminish us. The point is to not relinquish either thing but to cultivate detachment from them. Enjoy them, benefit from them, help others with them, but don’t be emotionally enslaved to them. 

I always find it interesting that the Aquarius archetype has so much inherent duality built into it - individuality but also community, the humanitarian focus on the greater whole while being a maverick of originality. Complicated. Interesting. Very Aquarius. 

The Aquarius degree the moon is resting on for the full moon is pointing out that there is a type of detachment that’s healthy and wise, and it’s available now to contemplate. 

The sun is projecting a Leo light onto the moon, so that expressive part of you has a great outlet, but this is a reminder to stay humble, and not be attached to results. 

Find strength in the solitude of your mind to not take other opinions to heart, keep doing your thing, regardless of the response of the collective, because that is fickle, and changes like the moon itself. This is a practice of not being overly attached to the good or the bad responses you get in life. 

Now you may know the archetype of Leo is the leader, the epitome of courage, a real Gryffindor if you know what I mean…but the thing that people may not understand about Leo is connected to that Harry Potter metaphor because the bravery of the harry potter gang is not really evident until they are confronted in a rather extreme way by a nose-challenged dude. 

When I read charts for people with a lot of Leo energy, they have the potential to be great leaders, presenters, performers, self-expressive creatives, charismatic kings, and queens, but they have to go on a Gryffindor-esque journey to get there. 

That golden Lion inside is hidden beneath layers of self-doubt, and fear. We all have a part of our lives ruled by Leo, so looking into where that falls in your own chart will be helpful to understand where this courageous outward expression is being required and spotlighted in your own life.

Being the center of attention comes with some costs, and facing anxieties inherent in expression is where true courage is gained. That’s where this Aquarius moon power comes in of detachment. It’s much easier to say than do, believe me, I know, but when you are detached from particular results, opinions, or feedback, you have a lot more freedom to do your thing. 

Sun comes in at 9 15 Leo, Sabian Symbol degree Leo 10, and I love this one. 



Reformulation of self into a better, lighter expression of being

"Developing a sparkling expression of self"

James Burgess: The darkness of a cold night is symbolic of our troubles and suffering, yet a new day always dawns bringing hope and fortifying the spirit. 


There is a new day opportunity, a refresh on your self-expression, on embracing your own unique self, and allowing it to shine out. 

When you have a strong foundation in yourself and are not plagued with the fear of judgment, or riddled with anxiety, then you’re able to move on to the next step of your evolution, into a place where you can radiate your spirit, help others, and most of all reach towards your ideal personal expression available in this lifetime. 

This full moon is about blending the power of Leo - creativity, light, boldness, warmth, courage - with the fortitude of Aquarius - independence, innovation, detachment 

Now let's add in some spice. 

ON this full moon day, Mars and Jupiter happen to be in a supportive trine. 

Remember the trine aspect is what I call the ride-or-die aspect - this is analogous to the person in your life that has your back no matter what, no questions asked, even at three in the morning. YOu need a loan, trine aspect has got the money in hand before the end of your sentence, kind of thing. Mars, the planet of action, the representative of your ability to assert yourself based on your personal desire, is getting support from benefic Jupiter which represents a search for meaning, truth, optimism, and ethics. 

Both of these planets are in earth signs, Mars in virgo, Jupiter in taurus, so this indicates something practical, and potentially material. For some people, this will be a very good aspect of business activities and decision-making. 

Interestingly….MORE SPICE… this cool trine between Mars and Jupiter is getting a bit of input from this full moon because Jupiter is squaring up with the sun and moon, which is a frictional or dynamic tension aspect. 

Where I see this coming in is the Jupiter shadow desire for overinflation, self-aggrandizement, excess, etc. So the full moon is saying, hey, be cool, don’t get attached to opinions or adoration of others, and do your thing without needing the approval of the adoring crowd, because there is a new dawn, a glorious expression of yourself that is not dependent on anything or anyone, 

This squaring Jupiter energy coming from Taurus could challenge that - someone, perhaps yourself is desiring to get credit, and more attention, which is hit with a reality check of the Aquarius full moon. There could be a disruption in the materials you need for something or some potential issue with funding potentially for some people. 

One more thing to think about: the sun is copresent Venus rx, coming into a cazimi on August 13. This is when Venus is going to be supercharged, in the chariot of the Ruler, and highly powerful. I have talked a bit about this Venus in Leo as a very big opportunity for creative outward expression, especially in the arts, relationships, your social circles, in your self-expression whatever that may be - you know what it is for you - reforming your ideas and beliefs about this area of your life. 

What’s the takeaway here? Let’s go back to Montaigne for a minute - he says, those who chase glory as a desirable goal “only have their arms and legs out of the crowd; their souls, and their wills, are more engaged with it than ever.”

In a nutshell, he is saying that we should not always think of other people's approval and admiration as being valuable. I know, easier said than done. Most humans like a good bit of glory, but when we attach our worth to the opinions and actions of others, then we lose our own sovereign power. Aquarius, baby, is all about using that sovereign power in order to forward the collective - not an oxymoron, just complicated. 

I like you just the way you are 


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