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Nodes Shift to Aries and Libra - July 2023 - Square Pluto, and New Moon in Cancer

The shift is coming, and for a few reasons astrologically, I think we will see July of 2023 as a turning point. This is hard because change can be synonymously experienced as fear - fear of the unknown, fear of things being different, but the beauty of preempting the possibility of change, is to alleviate some of the fear. When we have an idea that change is most likely coming, there is a potential for having a few ‘plans’ in place that can help bring ease to the anxiety which typically accompanies these changes. 

To be clear, I do not believe the planets are physically causing things to happen on our planet, but I do believe the planets act like massive cosmic clocks, and when they align based on their predictable orbits, human beings tend to repeat their patterns as well. What we are being faced with? Some major predictable human challenging things are coming up, and yeah, some of those changes can be scary. I’d like to take a minute to tell you that I will be bringing in some geo-political aspects in this video, so if you are not interested in that kind of stuff, no worries, see you in the next one. 

Ok, so the biggest thing happening in July is the shift of the nodes, which initiates on July 12, 2023. What are the nodes? The lunar nodes are the two points where the Moon's orbital path crosses the ecliptic, that’s where we get our eclipses, they are always exactly 180 degrees apart, and stay in one axis of signs for about 18 months. You may have heard them called the north and south nodes of the moon, the karmic destiny points, rahu and ketu, past lives/future lives, etc. etc. so what is going on, is a shift from the axis of scorpio and taurus, which is what we have been experiencing for the last 18 months, into the axis of aries and Libra. What is significant about that, and What does this mean for you? 

The second thing we have going on here is the massive Pluto story, which plays into the nodal shift change. As soon as the nodes enter into Aries and Libra, they get a square aspect, some type of friction from Pluto, which could be quite significant. So we will go into that, and make some game plans on what that could mean, and where you want to go with that. 

Third, the new moon in cancer, which happens on the 17th of July, is within a few degrees of an opposition to Pluto, and well, squares to the nodes. So yeah, I can see how this could be a bit of a puzzle needing some analysis to try to understand and get our heads around.

My intuition tells me that there is a massive change coming from the people, a last stand of the old guard, the old structures of society trying to hold tight to their power and ways, but the change is coming from people that no longer have the faith in these structures. The gatekeepers of information are no longer holding the only set of keys to the information, and this is causing some massive confusion, but also some are experiencing massive clarity for the first time. The old guard is going to try to manage this information through force, through laws, which will make people confused about misinformation, mal information, etc. So, this is a huge part of the story.  

Keeping this about patterns of human behavior and placing it on the clock of the sky, we know that the French and American Revolutions were happening the last time Pluto was in the same position, and Saturn was also in Pisces back in the late 18th century  time frame. Looking at what’s going on in France currently, I find it significant that the people are starting to fight back against the system that was set in place during that revolution, no longer believing that their leaders are working from that original set of values, brotherhood, equality, and liberty. 

And in America, my belief is that the political story of the reelection is going to be massively significant with some new populist candidates coming up to disrupt the old guard, one example it Robert. F. Kennedy Jr. who is, at this point at least, rejecting the funding of the major donors that usually run the show, that being big pharma, et all, and a huge part of his campaign is being funded by the people. I read that he is getting donations equaling 1 million dollars a day from people that are donating 10 dollars, 20 dollars, and yeah, it does add up to be a significant amount of money, doesn’t it. 

We cannot ignore that politics influences big parts of how we live our lives, what freedoms we have, and what freedoms we don’t have etc. so, it is important to keep an eye on that. Pluto represents power, pluto exposes secrets, and is also the keeper of secrets, so this is an interesting factor to have coming into the big move of Pluto back into Aquarius in 2024 for the next cycle of leadership for the United States at least. 

Now the nodes shifting into Aries and Libra continue the Mars and Venus story, but they have shifted polarities so to speak, because we have had the nodes in Scorpio, which is the yin in breath version watery of Mars, and Taurus, which is the yin in breath earthy version of Venus, to the out breath yang energy of fire Aries Mars and Air Libra Venus. 

The last 18 months were contemplative, emotional, figuring out what the hell was going on in the strange period of 2020-2021, understanding our primal relationship to the earth, to life and death, to what we need to release at last, and let that be fertilizer for a new part of our lives. 

This was a period where resources like land, food, and homes were in flux, the monetary system has been a major issue, financial things have been at the forefront - the introduction of Centralized Bank Digital Currency, CBDC, which will eventually eliminate the physical cash system, is gaining in momentum, and it will lead to much less power or privacy over what you do with your money. We’ve seen massive amounts of inflation in the past 18 months, and debt, both personally and globally, is higher than it has ever been in history. 

Another huge part of the dialogue over the past 18 months has been the gender conversation, what does it mean to be male or female, a focus on transgender youth and what is ethically right or wrong about hormone therapy, the whole sexuality concept, is very Scorpionic. So all of these issues, wherever you stand on any of them, are all thematically Scorpio/Taurus things - emotional depth Mars and practical physical Venus issues. 

So now with the nodes entering Yang out breath, Aries and Libra nodes, there will be some more action in these areas of life that we have been dealing with. The Mars Venus story continues, but with a new filter. This is active pursuit Mars, and intellectual relational Venus. We are leaving a land of fixed energy, which is very stubborn in a way, and unmovable, and we are going into a pair of signs in cardinal energy, which is about initiation, getting things on the move.  

The duality of Aries and Libra bring up the topics of Assertion vs. compromise, fighting vs cooperating, independence vs relationship, decision vs vacillation, Me vs. Us.

The North node in Aries generally/archetypically is asking the world to attribute more independence, self-awareness, courage, trust of our own desires towards action, expression of the I am energy, and balancing it with the south node libra of fairness, what is right, and cooperation. So I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some major starts of shifting towards some new action, especially with regards to the power structures that have been in place since the American Revolution and french revolution as well, of course. 

Justice will play a huge role in the next 18 months as Libra will be hosting the south node - the south node is the release point, so likely there will be major shifts in the justice systems, rights, laws, etc. The major players here will probably be the legislation on social media sites such as Twitter, which will force them by law to follow the guidelines of misinformation or whatever, coming from the government, or they will be banned. That’s currently being proposed in the European Union if I understand correctly, and all under the guise of protection, which it really is actually censorship. 

The shady stuff is getting some major thematic light or darkness, whatever, from the pluto connection squaring the nodes. This is a reminder that we cannot just sit back and let things happen to us, we must be active participants in our lives, and continue to be awake and alive in the world. That is the requirement of cardinal energy - you must DO something, whatever it is.

Now, to be clear,  Pluto is a doesn't give any F’s kind of archetype - it does what it needs to do, and could care less about anyone’s input or opinions on the matter. So that means if Pluto is showing the secret dark side to power and manipulation, and it makes us feel something, some friction, some anger perhaps, some push to action, then that’s a potential of what this could be. Pluto is power, and sometimes the biggest power move is to reveal what’s going on in reality, lift the veil, discover the weird little man behind the blustery image of the Wizard of Oz. Pluto smirks in the background watching him squirm - the power is just being borrowed. 

So all that is really big stuff, and it can be scary to think about because it is. But this is an opportunity to become stronger, braver, to initiate change that is positive and more honest, to see through the manipulation and secrets that are being used to control the world. Libra says, hey, this is not balanced - the dignity and lawful rights of all need to be taken into account, the individual matters, huge globalist entities like the World Health Organization, should not have the power to create global edicts because they are also being funded by corporations with their own agendas, which let’s be honest, are almost entirely about Pluto stuff - power and money. 

That brings us to the cancer new moon. This particular new moon has some major aspects that are rolling along the same through line of the nodes and Pluto shifts. Cancer, amongst other things, represents the motherland, the protection of a parent over their child, it can be a massive fighting energy for the family, and what it represents. Legacy. It is intuition at maximum - over the max - push it to 11. So with the opposition to this new moon from Pluto in Capricorn, and square to the freshly minted nodes in Aries and Libra, we have all the cardinal signs on 11. 

Take a deep breath. 

The new moon is a time for setting intentions, planting a seed for the future, and with understanding the major thematic shifts coming towards us in the next 18 months, it could be a time for you to really sit with what your core values are. Where in your life do you need to have more courage, and where do you need to seek balance? What are you willing to personally stand up for in your life, in order to get the action needed to bring you to a feeling of equilibrium? Isn’t fascinating how those things appear to be oppositional - fighting for peace, or making waves in order to find lasting balance - but they are in a state of interflow, dependent on each other for existence. It is only when one side or another believes it is ‘right’ or doesn’t need the other one, that there comes dissatisfaction. We need the energy of ARies, to balance with the WE are energy of Libra, because we need personal strength, and foundations or our own active force, to bring to a relationship with others that is not overly dependent or taxing. All about the balance, baby. 

My advice for this period is to start looking at where you know you need to take personal action in your life in order to create a feeling of balance and serenity. 

The new moon comes in at the sabian symbol of 25 cancer, which is an interesting image: 


KEYNOTE: The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive will-full endeavors.

We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing his life problems. To him comes a pentecostal descent of power. He receives the "mantle of power," the grace (baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

In this fifth symbol we witness a more transcendent expression of "success." It is not merely external success (as is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT.


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