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Showing posts from January, 2023

House Thematic Keywords from Astrology for Yourself Workbook

Click here for link to Demetra George's Astrology Workbook  

I made a mistake....let me explain

  Sunday, January 22, 2023 Uranus stationed direct and smacked me in the face - see it left marks. Actually, these marks do have some astrological explanation, and I will share it with you if you are interested to know the story after I set the record straight. I owe you an apology. I made a blunder in my last video: Pluto End Game Horoscopes.  Like a lightning bolt from Uranus this morning, I was sitting at breakfast, and out of nowhere I realized I had said Pluto would be in Aquarius for 40 years, but what I meant to say was it will be there until the 2040’s. My mouth and brain were totally not aligned, that is clear. As soon as I realized this, I got on here to let you know. I am so sorry for any confusion - and I think it is best to be completely transparent, and take responsibility when something like this happens. I care about you deeply, and never want to steer you wrong. So totally unintentional, but it happened nevertheless, no excuses. I have a mega ton of Virgo ener...

End Game Pluto Horoscopes and how the Aquarius New Moon is the Opening Act

We know you have many choices for where to get your astrology and thank you for choosing L Natale Astrology today. This is your captain, L Natale speaking, there may be some unexpected turbulence with this Aquarian New Moon due to the Pluto Factor, but if we pull a Lieutenant Dan, and ride out the storm head on, we will make out just fine, and if we do it right, we will make out even more than fine.  First Let’s get a few things clear.  The last planet both the sun and moon came into contact with before the new moon, was Pluto in Capricorn, on the 28th degree. Also, despite being in different signs, they are within only three degrees of Pluto in Capricorn, which makes them conjunct, and interconnected. The sabian symbol for the degree Pluto is on is a Woman reading tea leaves, which is a metaphoric container that we need to be looking beyond the obvious surface layer for deeper truths. This is conclusion time. What have we learned? Pluto in the late degrees of Capricorn, which...

One Wild Week plus Aquarius New Moon 2023 - Youtube Transcript

This very week is your break free celebration, a big moment of release in Aquarius ruled topics of your life - this is the week where mercury turns direct, last week we got Mars finally direct in gemini, and the third bowling pin of retrograde planets will fall down the day after the new moon in Aquarius, on February 22, which is quite an interesting day in itself with lots going on, when my planetary BFF Uranus also stations direct, and Woo! Yeah, Happy NEW Year to you at last! Bout three weeks in, but here we are. Seriously, sometimes i have felt in the last few weeks that we still have Christmas coming up, or like what the heck happened to Christmas and new year, did that already happen?  So this week is important, and I am going to breakdown the major moves coming at you this week.  Wednesday January 18, we have Mercury stationing direct in Capricorn, it's been retrograde since December 29, 2022. On this very same day, the Sun makes its yearly meet up with Pluto - Pluto Ca...

Themes of Each House

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Horoscopes for Mars in Gemini Moving Forward Until End of March 2023

This is the horoscope portion of my Mars direct and rx retrospective where we will be talking about the experiences each zodiac sign has had over this 7 month story of Mars in Gemini. Mars entered gemini August 20th, 2022, turned retrograde on October 30th, 2022, and goes direct January 12, 2023. We still have a few months of Mars in Gemini until it departs on March 25th, 2023. These horoscopes are based on your rising sign primarily, but you can also watch your sun and moon signs, and see which one resonates most with you. I use tropical western astrology and whole sign houses. Everyone starts with Aries, but let’s go with the sign in the spotlight first - Gemini.  For Gemini Rising, this one has been personal. Mars traveling in your first house of your physical body, health and vitality as well as your personality, may have been pretty fired up during these months. And during the retrograde period, there may have been some decreased energy, some slowness of your physical body or ...

Mars Stations Direct in Gemini 1/12/23, Stays in Gemini Until March 2023

Mars Moves Forward We have all had the warrior of the zodiac, Mars, living in the area of life ruled by Gemini for a very long time. By the time it departs, it will be about 7 months, when Mars usually goes through a sign in about two months. During this extended stay in Gemini, we are asked to rethink how our views, communication, and the words we use create the world we live in. Mars in gemini is the epitome of the pen is mightier than the sword, if you know what I mean. ` Mars has been retrograde, appearing to be backing up in the sky since October 30, 2022, taking in all the information, looking back on ideas, words, and concepts. It is the warrior in waiting, studying the landscape, learning the terrain. Interestingly, this is the closest Mars physically gets to our location on earth, blazing red and cautiously curious in the sky. Mars stations direct in gemini at 8 degrees 07 seconds, which means it appears to be at a standstill in the sky. Mars makes this U turn so to speak, and...

For the Love of Venus, Your FACE is Beautiful as it is!

                                            I don't know who needs to hear this right now - maybe it's you. I just know  I  really needed to hear it when I did. Your face is fine.  You have permission to age gracefully and not be ashamed. You are free from the conception that older faces need to be erased or modified. You are free from the concept that younger faces need fat lips, perfect noses, and immaculate jaws. It can all stop right now. Wrinkles are OK. Hooded eyes are OK. Neck stuff is OK!  You know what's not OK?  The overwhelming consensus that our worth as women is wrapped up in a sad package with fillers and Botox, things like eyelid lifts, vampire face-lifts, and on and on. I can tell you from experience that fillers can be painful, and sometimes can go into the wrong spot accidentally, like sinuses, and you just have to wait it out until the...